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Posts posted by tsteve9999

  1. If no-one was willing to do those low paying jobs,they wouldn't stay low paying for long without mass immigration.

    Well the government has let them...there are people out there that want to better themselves... And contribute to our economy paying tax an ni

    So how many TV programs are you seeing "migrants took my job"..... Then look at the benefit street type programs....there's a shed load a low rent wasters in this country that need to get off there arse and do a days work......lol and breath :) : D lol


    Not many of our low rent wasters will be strapping bombs to themselves or beheading people in the street in the near future though will they?

    A favorite line from do gooders when they are trying to stop something is "if it saves just one life", I'm wondering what they will say when this all blows up in our faces.

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    I've been adopted at one of my permissions by the landowners standard poodle that thinks it's a lurcher, she's only got to see my car and I can't get rid of her.

    I'll be over there a few times in the near future to make sure she's not going to crack the ferrets and then she'll be ferreting with me. This thing is nothing like the ones you see on the telly, she's had the run of the riding stables from the off and is a fit thing with a surprising burst of speed, she should make a good backstop when I'm out on my own.

    I've often wondered if a poodle greyhound cross might trump the Bedlington cross . Poodles are scored as the most intelligent of dogs.They are trainable and athletic-witness the number used in circus acts-, have a weatherproof coat , can be quite fiery and were originally bred as gun and service dogs. Whether the cross would gel in the way Bedlingtons do with a whippets or a collies with greyhounds would be interesting to know.

    I also think the idea that a lurcher is the essential dog for ferreting is a fairly recent one. I bet many site members will have tales of all sorts of mongrels and unlikely family pets being seconded into the ferreting team before we all became affluent enough to have a choice about the matter.

    Bolting to dogs obviously requires a breed or cross quick enough to make the exercise worthwhile. One the other hand if you are using nets the main qualities required in a dog are a good nose , obedience and just enough agility to pin a bunny that looks like a "slipper". If a lot of rabbits are slipping the nets or finding unmeshed holes a change of technique rather than a faster dog might be more appropriate.


    Spot on that, I've been over a couple of times now and she's fine with the stinkers so she'll be coming ferreting when I start. The owner reckons she's bringing rabbits home on a regular basis now, (which is more than I can say for the twat I've got :icon_redface:) . It's pretty comical watching her, she's got the topknot and pompom on the tail, and looks like she couldn't catch a cold in the yard, but she's a different animal the second we start off. Very obedient too, especially when you think she is left to do what she wants for most of the day. I'll post a few pictures in the near future.

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  3. I've found a lot of ferrets wont go down the near vertical runs so they don't do the lower levels where the rabbits are. Since I've put a few pieces of that corrugated drainage pipe in their run at very steep angles I've noticed a big difference.

  4. I've been adopted at one of my permissions by the landowners standard poodle that thinks it's a lurcher, she's only got to see my car and I can't get rid of her.

    I'll be over there a few times in the near future to make sure she's not going to crack the ferrets and then she'll be ferreting with me. This thing is nothing like the ones you see on the telly, she's had the run of the riding stables from the off and is a fit thing with a surprising burst of speed, she should make a good backstop when I'm out on my own.

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  5. Just read in the paper that in some poll or other there are now 51% of us in favour of leaving the EU, up from 30 odd per cent a few months ago.

    If things carry on as they are there will be a huge no vote and we can finally say bollocks to the whole rotten regime.

    What gets me is how left wing the media is, if you were to go by their reports almost everyone in the country would be in favour of bringing them all in, yet I personally don't know of one person who would let in any at all.

  6. I'm sure there's going to be real problems in the next few years, not just here but all over Europe. The Germans are going to wake up in the very near future to find themselves overrun as we are, same with the French, and neither of those countries are renowned for tolerance. Perfect conditions for a far right dictator, and we've seen what happens when that comes to pass.

  7. I've yet to hear a sensible answer from a politician to the question "Where are these people going to live in a country that already has a housing crisis?" or, "What will happen to an NHS already struggling to keep the present population healthy?" or "How many extra roads will need to be built?", the list is endless.

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  8. That's the whole point for me, he could donate hundreds of millions and it wouldn't affect his lifestyle in any way, he'd still be enormously rich.

    Instead he keeps himself in the limelight, which by happy coincidence makes him richer still and lectures everyone else about the wrongs in the world.

    The guys already took his money to a tax haven thereby denying his own country the tax he should have paid which could have gone to the poorer people of Ireland. For anyone else to do that I'd say fine, but this guy has spent years sneering at governments for not doing enough to help, then runs off with his own money at the first chance he gets.

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  9. That's what gets me about him and all the other professional charity fundraisers, every one of them is benefitting themselves from what they do.

    I'm sure he donates, it's just that a million pounds to him is like 5p to a normal person. If any of them gave up their lifestyles to help others I'd take more notice, but I've got more chance of plaiting piss than that happening.

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  10. I wish someone would call him out on it, he could keep 100 million and still be enormously wealthy. As he has told all us "little people" time and time again, kids are dying in Africa this very second, so he hasn't got any time to spare.....

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  11. I've got a fire stick and it's very limited imo, basically just amazon stuff. You can buy them on ebay that have been altered to get a lot more stuff but we have gone back to downloading what we want on the pc and playing it on the tv with a media player.

  12. I dont bother if it's over 3 foot as a rule, though my mk3 seems to always indicate the rabbit is a bit deeper that it actually is, so I may try 4 foot this year.

    Anything over 3 foot means I can't reach without a trench, and I don't like messing the ground up too much if I can help it, plus if doing hedgerows you have to cut to many roots and may knacker the hedge. Most of my digs are less than 3 foot but I've had readings of 10 foot on some of the really old warrens.

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  13. Has it always been like that or was it the first time? Seems odd that a 12 month old dog would piss off if it's been schooled right from a pup.

    The best advice I've picked up off this site over the years is to learn patience, start from scratch with it even if it means missing the beginning of the season.

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