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Status Replies posted by Rey27

  1. picked up new pup last night... 8week old Patt.

    1. Rey27


      my older patt bitch is the same as that 'darren247'. a pain in the fu*kin arse but she's a good busher and ratter so swings and roundabouts :/ hopefully my new wee bitch will be better with people and dogs.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. picked up new pup last night... 8week old Patt.

    1. Rey27


      aye agreed 'the duncan'! got the wee bitch just outside Glasgow 'GrCh'.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Too many wankers on this website, Give Terriermen a bad name!!

    1. Rey27


      to be honest, just people giving it "Anti this" "Anti that" & accusing lads on here of being Anti's all the time. dont get me wrong, i agree Anti's make our life hell. BUT if you dont put up pics of beat up dogs or say things that could get us all in the shit then there would be no probs. just sick of c**ts accusing other people of being anti's for litrally no reason. [rant over, lol]

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. f****n' neighbours!!!! put in a complaint about the Dog!

    1. Rey27


      aye, not good! f****n cow!! seems like a dog hater!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. wish me luck people, im taking my pup out on the lamp for the first time tonight!!!

  6. am gunna go shooting a few scrabitts

  7. just back in from a wander nowt about just 3lb of sloes to get on with oh yesssss

  8. Went out Ratting today! Bagged 30 of the wee B*stards!!

    1. Rey27


      Not bad wee man!! Maiya is a belter of a dog mate...




    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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