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Everything posted by treebeard

  1. Hi all I have reluctantly got to sell some of my Pistol's, I would prefer face to face and can travel a reasonable distance. I travel up the M40 to Coventry most week days. I can arrange post at £10 per shipment. Supplied with cases as picture. All sold thanks for looking
  2. As you can see, Alf's coming on fine, hes now about 6 months.
  3. Hear is one Osage made earlier, very effective with nice detail on the ferrule. Treebeard
  4. And there’s me thinking he’s unique. I can see I will have to stay out of Wales now!
  5. First decide on what you will use for recall "name + Come" or whistle, stick to it, always praise the dog when it comes, never chastise the dog however long it has taken to come. Turn away and ignore dog when it doesn’t come (you have to make certain that the dog is in a safe place when training starts) you can even start to walk away. You can sometimes give the dog a treat and praise when it comes but not always. When come to recall reliable you can call and Whistle until it will respond to both or ether. I find an acme silent dog whistle will bring a trained dog in from greater distances t
  6. Three + months old Lurcher pup 5/8 Whippet, ¼ Beddy, 1/8 bull. All legs and teeth. The pup is doing well, I have only have been taking him out in the big wide world for the last couple of weeks as I have been in Japan working. He gets on well with the old Russell, she mothers him a bit, but he follows her about when she’s after anything. He’s all legs at the moment so she can out run him (that won’t last). He is into everything in the garden, frogs, toads (the toad won) slugs and he court and killed a mouse. When we are out he comes to recall OK, I am only taking him where the
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