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Posts posted by xx-georgia-xx

  1. selling this dog for my grandad because he has no time for him as he is looking after my grandmar


    he is 19 months old

    about 25" but not too sure

    had lack of work due to my grandmar being ill

    but he is very keen as he has ragged a few dead red un's

    pm me if you want to find out more got some old pictures of him

    his name is sam :)





    thank you all xx

  2. another from lamping last night me and nottshunter08 went into a horse field almost caught one rabbit just missed it and we was just about to get out of the field and a horse came running up behind me and i legged it halth jumped over the fence and fell flat on my ass really hurt now have a big bruise there not good :(


    Got any pics? :icon_redface:



    lol im 14 mate

  3. was lamping one night with chris was climbing over barbed wire then chris let go off it when the dogs went shooting off and i scared everything away by shouting wrong place lol lol


    another from lamping last night me and nottshunter08 went into a horse field almost caught one rabbit just missed it and we was just about to get out of the field and a horse came running up behind me and i legged it halth jumped over the fence and fell flat on my ass really hurt now have a big bruise there not good :(

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