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Posts posted by baz

  1. Jumping up weights against a heavy handed lad, to me isn't by his wisest choice... Give him hîs due tho, he got balls to do it but think he be getting rattled around that ring tonight, speed will only take him so far at this level

  2. Haha at delswell, cheers max, I may well do that.... I'm not a football fan as such, I'm happy enough to watch a game but don't follow anyone, me wee lad is a die hard united man... And your right lads was a great way to spend the day,just me and him, really enjoyed the atmosphere.. The amount of folk in one place is unreal,

  3. We'll I had my premier debut today at old Trafford, took my little lad and we loved it, whist an atmosphere, I nearly shit myself when we walked upto the ground amd seen thousands upon thousands of supporters, nearly crushed my lads hand I hold of him that tight. Weaving in between them all, we were sat in the west stand and what an atmosphere, I went secretly hoping Leicester to win... But....I'm afraid I got caught up in it all and ended up a man utd fan for the day.. Which I thought deserved to win.... Don't think it will be our last attendance at a game,bill(my son) loved every second of it



    Still hope Leicester win the league tho

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  4. I'm going to watch my first premiership game this weekend, my little lad massive united fan, I was lucky enough to be given two free tickets off a guy I did a job for last week so were off to watch united v Leicester on Sunday.....only problem is... I'm secretly gunning for Leicester to whoop them

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  5. Any man super fit or not, he uses a mass amount of energy in short burst, he will be panting.... It's the way the body works... I think age has caught up with klitchs ,and the younger fury will win again... I'd like to see kitsch win tho.. Really don't like the way fury is... Aj on the other hand,boxing aside seems a real nice guy, last week after fight he was still in arena sign in and smiling for fans, he is a happy fella

    • Like 2

    Sooo everyone else is wrong and cushtyjook is right !!!!! Unlikely...... Tell ya what tho, haye can't half big himself up can't he haha

    He can talk himself up. Not sure about bigging himself up tho lol he's tiny for a heavyweight. Froch was almost as big as him hahaha

    That's what I meant by big himself up haha... He sells himself well haha
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