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Everything posted by ddsr

  1. 2 years old trackie never seen antying. (failed at racing as some of them do.)
  2. Is there anyone working full greyhounds on here? What are they like on fox?
  3. can track greyhounds make decent workers? if u could get a free one to work would u bother?
  4. Does anyone have a greyhound collar for sale?
  5. I was refering to the terrier that only bolts its quarry. I accept that you wont always get a dig because of bolts or what ever else. just to clarify my point, terriers which wont stay underground (for whatever reason) or those that can be 'called out' arent worth keeping. but then again its just my opinion im allowed that arent i?
  6. The key word there is "less effort". to me it sounds like you jus dont want to dig foxes. as for more foxes i disagree i think esspecially when only on foxes a digging terrier will get as many digs as a bolting terrier will have bolts.
  7. pics have to be under 500kb i think.
  8. GrubyG - How is a bolting dog anymore useful than a digging terrier?? What are you basing "bolting terriers are more productive" on?
  9. A terrier that bolts its quarry isnt taking the quarry so i dont tink its due any respect imo. also a terrier that can be called out of an earth is just ridiculous not trying to knock anyones dog or anyting but a terrier that can be called off its quarry just isnt right.
  10. shallow dig thats handy nice terrier :thumbs-up:
  11. Fair enough chay but im just going say this terrier which arent up to the standard are weaking the breed. also imo i think your throwing the 100% figure around a bit too generously after all terriers were orginally breed to be dug to, not to bolt . Anyway thanks for your opinion im just giving mine back :thumbs-up:
  12. True foxtrack there is too many people breeding terriers who arent up to standard they shouldnt breed second rate workers. Well to be honest mate if a dog worth having its worth keeping thats why i wudnt put a terrier into an earth unless iknew i could dig to it. so maybe its not your terrier maybe its you.
  13. Well said foxtrack. Not digging to your terrier is just lazy no matter how long it takes. as for your terrier comming of the fox doesnt sound like its worth keeping. A good digging terrier would definetly be a dog which you can dig to i.e. able to get its quarry into a block end.and not to bolt.
  14. Ok so if you had the best in each breed which one is better? Which one wud you go for?
  15. What draw dog have you got and if you dont have one get one. it sound like i would have came in handy. Also u should have just sit back and wait for the hog to bolt from the hole you just dug. def worth a try anyway.! better luck next time!
  16. ddsr


    yelping is just the dogs equivalent of the horse biting at the bit. I wudnt say starting him early on rabbits would sour him but i let the muscles fully develop before giving him too many runs.
  17. What is the name of the caller in the picture and where can u get them?
  18. Is there a definitive answer as to which breed is the best?
  19. why does it need four legs? wouldnt three sufice
  20. whats the best terrier type for digging foxes?
  21. cheers but was just wondering does anyone actually work coursing greyhounds?
  22. is anyone working coursing greyhounds? for greyx is the grey always trackies?
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