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Posts posted by Aled

  1. I tie my own flies, and nowadays i have no confidence in using any fishing flies other than ones i tie myself, and believe me i am not a master craftsman! Now the chap who was best man at my wedding is a cabinet maker...you should see the flies he can tie! 

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  2. Thanks for that post toolebox that's really interesting. My dog was a unplanned cross, a true mongrel. However he has a cracking temperament, he loves people, and has a fan club in the village who are very fond of him! On top of that i have been really surprised as to how he has taken to gun dog work, he loves it, he sees the gun and cannot wait to get out to the field. His bark however....yes it is pretty impressive! Basically he's a pet dog, who does enough gun dog work to allow his master to go rough shooting and wildfowling! As an aside a good friend of mine sadly no longer with us, was a great gundog man and worked top labs on many good shoots (he stopped shooting and only worked gundogs for 20 years) here in Wales. As an apprentice plasterer he could not afford to buy a top quality black lab pup, so he got a "free to a good home" Lab x Border Collie, he said it was one of his best ever gundogs, and boy he had a fair few!! 

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  3. 10 minutes ago, mackay said:

    Or perhaps they find themselves in the same situation as a great many people, in that they actually have more in common and have more faith in the reform party than conservative.

    That's fine, however in my opinion if you feel like that you withdraw from Tory/Labour/Lib Dem etc as soon as you feel that way and join reform with immediate affect. That is the honourable thing to do. Anyway its 4.43pm unless any of you know any different there have been no changes, which (and this has nothing to do with reform as a party) i am pleased to hear.

  4. Greyman if that happens it will prove what many people all over the UK have said for many years, that many (not all) Tory politicians are totally unethical and self servicing people... we'll know in 1hour and 41 minutes. Is Boris standing for Reform?? 

    PS: I would say the same about any politician from any party who chose to do this in this way.


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  5. On 30/05/2024 at 20:52, mackem said:

    How did you catch your first salmon Aled, nice fish a 12 pounder. 

    Big bunch of worms being run through a well known salmon pool....earlier in the day i saw a local angler catch 3 salmon from the same pool watched what he did....dug a load of worms from the garden and bought good hooks and weights from the local sports shop, a very nice memory.

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  6. Enjoyed your post pesky1972, and as a 1971 baby i get it. Used to see people walking through my home town with guns (to be fair usually in gun slips or black bin bags) and dogs, off for a rough shoot somewhere, ferrets, and long dogs, and loads of fishermen. In September 1984 i caught my 1st salmon....yep i walked through town with it, and numerous people congratulated me on my salmon but the best bit was a total stranger who said to her male companion, blimey look at the size of that fish it was 12lb 3ozs. Anyway what was also of note was the local knowledge about country ways, growing good vegetables,  ferreting, shooting, working whippets, and catching fish (by fair means and fowl) there was a professor on every street corner. 

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  7. Gave up a few years ago, and i used to love a smoke whilst waiting for dark to go sea trout fishing, or with a pint in a beer garden. Rather glad i gave up, £16 for a pack of Marlboro Gold now, not to mention the positive health benefits. 

    Cheers. Aled

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  8. 6 hours ago, Greyman said:

    I was told that by the surgeon when I had the snip mate, 

    Yep me too! Use it or lose it!!! .edited post as found out initial comment was exaggerated! 

  9. Well behind this year due to the wet weather, really hoping for the dry weekend promised this weekend so that i can get stuck in and turn the patch over and get ready for planting. Tomato, Cucumber and French Bean seeds are growing under cover indoors for now. One lot of container potatoes planted, the other container has potatoes from last year growing very well! How about the rest of you? Cheers. Aled

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