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Posts posted by Matt

  1. Creosote isn't ileagal but its sold for professional use only,to be honest its a waist of good creasote,

    Not very cheap either at over £50 for 25 litres......


    Whilst the product itself is not illegal, it's use by non-professionals on anything other than Agricultural or Industrial sites is an offence.


    It's also a technical offence to use it for a purpose for which it's not been approved. As it's been approved for Timber Preservation, rather than as a repellent, using it to drive out rabbits is also an offence.


    As has been said; over and over again, it's also not that effective as a repellent either :no:


    I'd also question the legality of using a non-approved repellent in a manner for which it's not approved.....


    Be careful out there lads; there's more than just field sports enthusiasts that read this forum...

    I understand, and i am just talking off the cuff, its just an idea thats all , one i think would work if done right and i am sure i am not alone in saying Creo does clear them rabbit holes but it's a method used a long time ago that is maybe not so PC today



    It's not a question of being Politically Correct :no:


    Not only is it ineffective, as a method, but it's also illegal. :yes:


    That is of course, presuming you can find somewhere prepared to sell it, and fork out £50 for a 5 gallon container..... :yes:


    I'm still trying to work out what 'creosalt' is??


    I think he means creosote Matt, but I doubt he will find it at his car boot - not real coal tar creosote anyway - maybe some of that glorified fence paint which will have minimal 'repellent' qualities compared to the right stuff



    Ah, right; the penny has dropped :yes:


    Sorry guys, I was a little weary last night and was busy scratching my head wondering what this new product was :yes:


    Creosote certainly is still available; only in 25 litre containers, and only to those people who satisfy the requirements (professional users for agricultural or industrial timber preservation).


    I remember many, many years ago rolling empty shotgun cartridges filled with the stuff into rabbit buries prior to lamping.... it didn't have much effect then, and I doubt it would have much effect now.....


    Anyway, creosote is nasty stuff and burns like hell. I don't think I'd personally want to subject rabbits to that, never mind my poor, overworked hands.....

  4. This thread just shows how important it is to educate the customer :yes:


    They didn't call you in because they know how to sort out their issues; so you should show your expertise and make the appropriate recommendations.


    Just throwing bait at the problems will not provide a long term solution; conditions that are conducive to infestation must be changed, and wherever possible non-toxic solutions must be fully utilised. If customers don't accept that, then you have to try and change their mindset or walk away.


    Just my opinion lads; and I realise I haven't actually seen the sites in question, or met the customers. You can however, be sure that in the 26 years I've been in the game I've seen very similar sites and met customers with the same attitude.


    Your responsibility as professionals is to create change, not manage bad habits and ignorance.

  5. What I mean is I no what I can and can't shoot asni have my own ex farm land but other than that I haven't sat and looked the law up on carry and gun because I haven't had to but now I have my advice from some kind people I no wear I stand with out you trying to be a no it all so I suggest you sit in your arm chair and w*ank your c*ck and getbof my post if you have nothing nice to say as everybody else has been polite and helpful apart from you


    Oh dear....... would you like to try and insult me a bit more?


    If you take the trouble to actually read what's been said you'll see that several folks have given you sound advice. Your lack of knowledge about the basic legal requirements of using a gun in the UK is shameful. I only hope, for your sake, that your FEO isn't one of the ones who reads this forum......





    It was just a idear but ur not actually poaching because your no on anyone's land all you could b questioned on is a air rife under the legal limet witch you can carry in a case

    Firstly, please STOP using bloody text talk!


    OK, you are talking tripe.


    All land belongs to somebody; the roads belong to the local authority in most cases, and the trees and hedges that these pigeons will be sitting in also belong to the land on which they are growing.


    Trust me, it's armed trespass and poaching at the very least. If you don't believe me give the old bill a ring and ask them. We'll run a book on how long they take to come round and pick you up.... :yes:

    Right I was only asking some advice theirs no need to be sarcastic I didn't write this post to be spoken down to by some arm chair no it all expert I only wanted some genuine advice as I am into shooting and own my own ground witch I go on so I'm not really up to date with the law because never needed to be



    I gave you some advice and you replied using text talk.


    You also seem to be unaware of basic UK legislation regarding firearms. Go and do some learning while I sit in my armchair and think of something sarcastic to say :thumbs:

  7. It was just a idear but ur not actually poaching because your no on anyone's land all you could b questioned on is a air rife under the legal limet witch you can carry in a case


    Firstly, please STOP using bloody text talk!


    OK, you are talking tripe.


    All land belongs to somebody; the roads belong to the local authority in most cases, and the trees and hedges that these pigeons will be sitting in also belong to the land on which they are growing.


    Trust me, it's armed trespass and poaching at the very least. If you don't believe me give the old bill a ring and ask them. We'll run a book on how long they take to come round and pick you up.... :yes:

  8. Where will you stand?


    You won't be standing, you'll be sitting the wrong side of a table in a police interview suite :yes:


    Armed trespass, firearm in a public place, poaching...... all sorts of offences....


    You'd be lucky to walk away with your freedom, and be likely to loose your guns, any licences (or chances of getting them), possibly your car and any equipment used and you'd also not be able to make use of the general licences once you'd been convicted :no:


    So as someone else has said; just don't do it :thumbs:

  9. I did a job once on a stud farm.... lots of smallish fields, going up hill. I took half a bucket of traps with me up the hill, and set 8 of the 9 in the bucket in what I thought were good looking runs.


    Anyway, when I got to the top of the hill I had one trap left in the bucket and decided to set it on a rubbish looking run coming from the hedge rather than carry it back down to the van.


    In three days, that one trap accounted for 8 moles :yes:


    It's funny how it goes sometimes isn't it?


    Did one on a farm this time last year. It was wet; very wet, and I opened up a run to find it full of water. After going to the trouble of opening up the run I thought I may as well stick a trap in (in truth it was pissing down and I just wanted to finish setting the bucket of traps I had and get back to the van). Anyway, that run remained full of water for the week that trap was in there, and it accounted for a double catch every time I checked it (three times).


    As I say, funny how things pan out sometimes ;)

  10. Part of the trouble is that when all these newly trained molecatchers are clamouring for work, they think that they need a web presence, and join everything they can find online that advertises them :yes: Even if that does mean a little 'white lie' about how often they check their traps :yes:


    I've joined them all at one time or another, and there's only one site online that's ever got me any real volume of work, and that's Molecatcher UK.


    The NPTA were led up the garden path by JN, and sadly, some of the people involved with the NPTA didn't really understand the implications of what was going on :no:


    Happily, common sense prevailed (with a little help from a noisy few of us), and as you say, they dropped the Guild faster than a Bristol Whore drops her knickers.

  11. I wonder if Jeff will ever come on here, in response, to any of the criticism, he gets ? lol or even Brian & Simon, is it ? from the register ?


    Jeff will never come on here :no:


    He's too scared after the humiliation he received when he was on the BTMR forum :yes:


    Like Phil, I joined when the Guild first started. I spoke to JN a few times and kept asking about the decision making process within the Guild. He was very vague about it all, and got very touchy when I asked if he was going to set up a forum on the GBM site to give members the opportunity to discuss issues. I think his exact words were something along the lines of:


    "I don't like forums. People just ague with me"


    Says it all really :yes:


    There are lots of issues he could have campaigned for. Getting burrow blasters banned from the UK would be a hell of a popular thing to do and would undoubtedly be better from a welfare point of view :yes: Sadly, he has a fixation with daily trap checking despite the fact that he cannot present one single scrap of evidence that it would improve the welfare of moles, or the viability of molecatching for a living :no:


    I'm not mole catcher so there's very little I can say on the subject but Jeff is a right royal pain is the ass to those who earn there living catching moles,

    He sees himself as some form of authority on the subject and not only is he trying to implement new and unneccecary laws he's using the likes of the rspca to do his dirty work for him,.....

    I'm sure there are others on this forum who can comment further on Jeff and there own experiences with him.

    There were several complaints made about the film & it's content, these were insignificant points but Simon and those who chose to share the films have been forced to withdraw them while an investigation is made and all legal matters clarified.......

    Either way you look at it, this man has cast dispersion on both Bob & his mole trapping skills,

    It has also made simon withdraw films that took a lot of time, money & effort to produce.

    There are several other films that are on hold as well as a ful length dvd...

    This is because people are becoming scared to touch any product that may cast dispersions on either themselbed or there brand.


    Thanks Geoff

    Yes, its a bit disappointing & unnecessary interfering, from Jeff.Way back, when the concept of a "molecatchers body/group" was being considered, i wasnt sure if it was a good thing, or not ? lol I thought at least it might be able to promote 'mole trapping' as an effective & viable alternative, to 'chemical control methods' against moles ? Cause im afraid i cant find alot else to say, POSITIVE, about the whole idea,...lol



    Never forget why the GBM came into existence..........


    JN was an active member of the BTMR, which is an online register rather than a trade body of any sort :yes: Anyway, to cut a long story short, JN wanted them to push for daily trap checking, and when they refused, he went off in a strop and set up the Guild.


    Since then, he's lobbied the Scottish Parliament, DEFRA, NE and even the RSPCA to try and push through his wish to remove the exemption to the STAO that stops us having to submit traps for 'small ground vermin' for approval and pushed and pushed to have mandatory daily trap checks for traps set for rats mice and moles :yes:


    When the GBM started up it was free to join and there was no accreditation. Low and behold, once he'd got folks signing up in their droves, he brought in accreditation, which then morphed into three levels of accreditation, mainly based around his own (often flawed) theories about mole behaviour and mole trapping.


    The cynics out there might well wonder if it had something to do with him being a training provider...... :yes:


    Since he's been outed as the snake that he actually is, he's lost the tiny bit of credibility that he once had.


    I still can't believe that he suggested that the gas pipe type traps were somehow illegal, when he himself describes in detail how to make a board top trap in one of his DVD's; and even encourages viewers to have a go at it for themselves...


    The only molecatcher JN is working for is himself and his huge ego.


    Anyone who is already a member of the GBM should be seriously asking themselves if it's worth it. Anyone considering joining should look long and hard at what else is available :yes:


    I keep coming across those green plastic Beagle 'Easy Set' traps.


    One of my customers had three and while I was waiting for him to come home one afternoon I set about playing with them. They were God awful and it would take a Shire Horse to trigger the trap. Also, I noticed that the profile of the trap was square, not round like a mole tunnel (I pride myself on being observant), and had unnecessary corrugated ridges along the bottom that would be guaranteed to alert Mr. Mole as he tripped over them. When the customer arrived to pay me he let me take the traps free gratis. I got them home and cleaned them and still couldn't get them to trigger cleanly so I looked the company up on the web and noticed all the suspiciously similarly written glowing testimonials. I wrote in and gave them my views which weren't exactly glowing. Within a day the inventor contacted me by e-mail trying to convince me that I was wrong and that all the traps needed was washing in soapy water, rinsing an letting them dry. Apparently soil isn't good for their trigger mechanisms - In a mole trap FFS? Not only that, he had obviously looked me up in the Yellow Pages, found my location and phoned the nearest guy to me who was on their books as having bought these traps. Coincidentally he is a friend of mine and had promised to let me have a look at his traps, but then put them somewhere safe and has never been able to find them.


    When I replied to the inventor explaining the various faults; square profile, corrugated wire, sticking trigger he adamantly refused to accept that the traps were not fit for purpose and kept trying to sell me some. The guy is an idiot on a major scale. Oh and by the way; he had read this thread and described you lot (and probably me by now) as "Dinosaurs" who thought that his traps were a serious threat to your livelihoods.


    So, my nomination for world's worst trap is the Beagle Easy Set mole trap

    Well, thats not what Cambridgeshire mole catcher David Anderson (cambridgeshiremolecatcher.co.uk) who has been accredited as a 'master mole catcher' by the Guild of Master Mole Catchers thinks. :D






    That's not how I read it TC :thumbs:


    The mole catcher that's been interviewed didn't mention any brands; he just said that he prefers traps to gas or 'poison'.

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