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Big Pow

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Posts posted by Big Pow

  1. Inkeeping with the theme...any advice on deshedding tools? Rather the advice of dog men rather than sponsored ads on google searches. My last broken coated boy didnt really blow but this new one must have sled dog blood in there somewhere with the amount he drops in summer months

  2. 3 hours ago, jackthelad said:

    Had a Russel bitch years ago with prick ears used to sufffer bad with getting shit in them that bitches eyes weren’t the best either we where digging on a lot of old railway embankments that black fine shale slippy stuff horrible stuff to dig in 

    Might just be the fact that his radars just attract a bit more grime. Doesnt suffer with eyes but also doesnt dig railway embankments so that probably helps

  3. 20 hours ago, mC HULL said:

    19226898-110F-42B4-8533-0EE0AF399E04.jpeg.32cde35b23973685a61c69759a661f49.jpegi just use these i be honest i’m rough sometimes have odd one bleed don’t bother em  little feathered wimp won’t make a murmur so lads should be ok with there dogs  ? 

    but if worried do a bit at a time until you see a ring appearing 

    Same as I have 

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  4. 20 hours ago, mC HULL said:

    they shouldnt be gunking up though mate id get some ear cleaner anti bacteria from pet shop lay dog on back pull ear back put it in massage bottom of the  ear mate then cotton ball dry after 

    dont worry about nails mate if worried just trim  abit  at a time until you see a circle in the nail thats the start a the quick ive had to cut em off flush to toe before mate

    what dog do you have mate 

    Think its just from not getting em cleaned out fully off the bat. Last dog had a floppy ear so wasnt problem this one has pricked ears so notice they get dirtier faster.

    he’s a wimp when it comes to nails can cut his pads/feet to pieces without a care go to do his nails n he hates it! 

    collie bull grey

  5. Not scratching at all. He has big ears that seem to fill quickly, no sign of ear mites and definitely no infection. Just general build up of gunk. Was mainly wondering what people used as a general cleaner as just cleaning them out doesnt seem to shift enough for it not to build back up quickly.

    also has quick growing nails and vet never seems to cut them back far enough. Ill trim them up myself but im reluctant to take them back too far

    all these things were mainly talked about as part of general maintenance of your dog and to see if anybody was using specific products or had any old school techniques to keep up the general hygiene of our beloved canine sidekicks. 
    Trying to break the monotany of the “show us your…” and “new pup” posts

  6. What do folk use for keeping their dogs at the height of cleanliness? 
    Mostly talking about ears here, the amount of gunk that seems to build up resulting in all night head shaking is phenomenal. 
    How cropped are you keeping nails? Best tooth and gum care?

    Seems not to be a topic but I know everybody is keeping their dogs in top condition

  7. Some sound advice here! Will probably try a mix of things with the harder side coming in if it doesnt improve. Had I had him from a pup I could have not encountered the issue but having him at such a headstrong age with super drive means Ill need to rectify a problem. Lets hope these techniques work

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Moocher71 said:

    I just walk mine threw sheep fields and keep them on lead and make it clear they are a no no and once they no longer pull on lead towards sheep I try and get a fence in-between us and sheep and let the youngster off and I try get the juckel to concentrate on me and not sheep and once they ok with that I take them threw the sheep on lead again and so on until they get it and I got to say its worked on all mine ,I got one who will give a bark to move a mob on if they in the way but other than that they fine ,horses I do the same and never had problem .I got one who will pin any bird stupid anufe to get close but other two don't bother with fowl .

    Its best to get a pup out amongst sheep from early days when he's at a age he do no real harm and be around them from the start but I understand not everyone in that position. 

    Yeah he’s also game for birds! Hunts right up on everyone he sees! Dont really think theres not anything he aint showed interest in! Aint had him around cattle yet but Im sure he’d think they were on the menu n all. Biggest problem around here is actually having a fence between us and livestock, seem to be free roaming the streets at the moment so never know what will pop up and where

  9. Wheaten Bull Grey by any chance? Seen the previous post about “in colour” at the moment and Wheaten crosses seem to also be the “in thing” at the moment find that they throw a lot of fawn with black faces

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