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Leo Sayer

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Posts posted by Leo Sayer

  1. 4 hours ago, mackem said:

    I met a kid in Istanbul a few months back,dark haired kid from Burnley or Oldham,in his 20’s,also bought his mum a house,he wasn’t blagging me because he showed me pics and vids,he had lived in LA for a year,he said he was a gamer and used to get 10,000 people paying to get into a venue to watch him and his brother game on giant screens.He lives in Malta now,set up some sort of online gambling business,I remember thinking it’s funny how some peoples lives turn out and they separate from the 9-5 herd to move into something totally different.

    He did a video of were he bought his grandad his dream car and when his grandad went to the dealers he sprang out the boot with a suprise. His mam was 10 years older than me and a bit of a milf back in the day. I had a very bad accident in Puerto Banus and I couldn’t go back to my house as I was confined to a wheelchair so I moved in with her and the kids and lived in the conservatory lol. His mum was savvy and had her own business. Also the kids went to school miles away to a catholic school and I asked her why so far . She said it’s the best next thing to private. Both kids were clever polite and switched on. No wonder they did good on life as there mam pushed them. Fair play . 

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, mackem said:

    The top YouTube auditor in the UK earns just over £100k I think.

    An ex girlfriend of mine her son is a big time YouTuber made millions out of it. He's a gamer. Has offices in the states , bought his mum a house and employs a lot of the family. I remember him as a young kid all ways had something about him, switched on. Used get his mum go cash n carry and he would sell sweets and stuff at school. They a nice smart family. He has done well and I take my hat off to him.

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  3. 2 hours ago, mC HULL said:

    me old lady says the same mate back 60s 70s it was different they would travel down from all over bottom of the country to the top park outside on the street all ways clean only people paying in 50 pound notes and all had impeccable manners me old man would have them in the house down were he kept his dogs never any worry of them returning on the sly and none did 

    just better times better people i recon lol 

    Obviously there is good and bad in all walks in life. But the majority of travelers I meet are fine . I’ve had a 2 different lots in this morning. Spent there money and were polite . Only had one incident in years and that was a one off. A load of young travellers came inn and ordered a load of stuff and refused to pay and walked out giving the young girl a load of abuse and left her in tears . But this is one incident in 20 years and too be honest could just as easily of been a different race of people. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Greyman said:

    Think like hunting with a catapult the real skill is getting close enough to your target mate a heart or vital organ shot with a decent head at close range will drop anything pretty quickly it’s pot shots from a distance that would leave animals running round half dead carrying an arrow for all to see but how do you legislate against idiots easier to ban it all than police it sadly 

    Totally agree pal

  5. 2 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

    Read a book by a traveller, think it was Jimmy stockins book but might be wrong. He was big into some gypsy council and human rights group. Wrote quite a bit about how they were prejudiced against and it was all so unfair and how racist it was. Then on the next chapter he tells a tale of an ice-cream van pulling onto site so they all attacked it, stripped it of all it's stock and left it a smoking ruin while the ice-cream man was in tears.  He thought this was hilarious. 

    They are just different to us.

    I have for years have a large percentage of them call in my business. And to be honest 90% of them are ok, all big spenders. We have had the same familys coming for years. The very odd few can be rude, but one of my staff doesn't suffer fools gladly and puts them in there place. Naturally I have the crack with a few over coursing and such things.  I wouldn't want them round my house, but I take em as I find them and most are ok , spend there dollar and I can chew the fat with them and av a laugh.


    And yeah Dido I've read the same book. On The Cobbles by Jimmy Stockin 


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  6. On 09/06/2024 at 17:25, Welsh_red said:

    Would be great if we could bow hunt in the uk 

    I agree but also agree with what others said, I think it would only work with proper licencing and compulsory courses. Similar to deer stalking.


    Must admit am hooked on the YouTube big game bow hunting vids. 

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  7. On 09/06/2024 at 17:41, Greyman said:

    You can it’s only illegal if you get caught mate 

    I would say is a few at it on the quiet,  out the way on permissions away from prying eyes.

  8. 3 hours ago, C.green said:

    I seen a good one a little while back a feller called charles beaty hed kill trophy whitetail on the big private ranches of southern texas. You can just tell by how he talks about it he lived and breathed it for a good chunk of hes life.


    Cheers for the heads up , sounds right up my street that . Will watch that [BANNED TEXT] I get chance 

  9. 48 minutes ago, iworkwhippets said:

    I was visiting friends in Farnworth Lancashire yesterday, nowt but blacks, and as for Bolton, i couldnt wait to get back home

    Last time i went Bolton was bad , engineering place I use there to fix my machinery in work. I only go once a blue moon but its a sh1t hole 

  10. 2 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

    I walked through Rotherham town yesterday on my way to work and the amount of Roma Slovaks that now reside in Rotherham is terrible two big fat ones came riding past on one of them double mobility scooters and I thought ffs their is only one reason them fekers have come to this country for and it's not the fekin weather but for the free money in benefits. 

    It’s terrible mate, what a sad state of affairs we are in. Honestly I even get fed with the amount of litter on the streets. 

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  11. 32 minutes ago, mackem said:

    Situational awareness,always need it in the concrete jungle,there was a big event in Leicester Square last night and the predators were out looking for opportunities.

    Couldn’t agree more. Weather your poaching or generally up to know good lol , or having a pint in the pub or a stroll in the park, always be on the ball ! 

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  12. 5 hours ago, mackem said:

    Maybe 10-15 years back,can’t remember exactly when as it was a long time ago I saw a guy caught outside a store in Hounslow,he was one of a group of Eastern Europeans who had been in nicking,5 or 6 lads,Asian security guard stood beside the English manager and I heard the manager explaining to the shoplifter that he had to pay for goods before exiting the store,as if he didn’t know ffs,the thieves walked off sniggering.

    Been in London all day and actually watched a Syrian looking type stop and stare at a tourist who was standing on the side of the pavement outside a BDC counting a bundle of cash,the Syrian guy was sizing her up,I could see it,but too many people and I was with a mate,he saw us observing him,it’s a jungle out there.

    Precisely what we was talking about on Sunday,  all ways weigh up what's  around you and people watch and all ways have your wits about you. Some folk are blind to the fact of what's around them. As you say it's a jungle ! 

    • Like 3
  13. 2 hours ago, mC HULL said:

    only experience of private school i had was trying to beat the c**ts at rugby or football they were even better at that lol 

    I hated school and I hated PE and sports . I was so disruptive in PE that in the end the teacher used to bring his dog to school a black lab. And he wud let me walk his dog instead of PE. Was just easier than me being a little sh1t. At back of our school was farmland and an old quarry and pools . I was much happier on my own with his dog mooching and looking at wildlife than I ever was in any lesson. 

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  14. My sister's kid who,s nearly 14 started private secondary school. We don't come from money, my sister was just academic and her partner just done well for them selves and just grafted and grafted. Although my neace is only 14 I can see she will do leaps and bounds in private schooling and have opportunitys and mix in circles we never did. I left school early with no exams and fuk all and lived down south at 17 in an old caravan for a few year's. But I've always grafted and hustled opportunitys that came my way. I struggle with writing and mathatics and get by. But av always worked for myself in 1 thing or another. Maybe private school wud not have sooted me, but then again the opportunity was never there. But I think if you afford it then hell yeah as I think a lot of you would want more for the kids then we ever had. 

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  15. 22 minutes ago, C.green said:

    Is it the x20 ? The garmin mini are brilliant i wouldnt get rid of it for a dogtrace but if i lost me garmin tomorrow id happily go out and buy the dogtrace 

    I think so yeah, I’ve had it years . It’s stuck in bottom of a draw now lol . Honestly the collar is comical big 

    • Like 1
  16. 8 minutes ago, Welsh_red said:

    I bought the kids a compound that was class . Never done it myself but watched and listened to lots of stuff about American hunting and a guy called John dudley who owns a archery company called nock on seems to be one of the best around . Loads of his stuff on YouTube 

    Good stuff. I've just binge watched setting up a compound bow. Had a few shots that went far left, but now I have found my true centre shot and re adjusted it all, hopefully be better. Yeah I've seen a few nock on vids cheers 

  17. 59 minutes ago, mackem said:

    How many pins has the sight?


    I don’t like footie or alcohol so I tick a few boxes I am 2/3’rds of the way towards homo-nirvana in the next life lol,I had a lady pass,makes you re-evaluate 

    5 pin mate 

    I don’t watch any sport apart from occasional boxing. But I do like the odd drink tho 


  18. 22 minutes ago, Welsh_red said:

    How well made is that release? I'd be worried of it failing and falling ti bits when I was full draw

    It's all new to me mate to be honest, like everything in life if it's cheap ya take your chances. I have a cheap wrist release for my slingbow and that has held just fine up to yet at full draw and constent practice. If i carry on with it all, I will probably get a Trufire which seem to be good by reviews 

  19. 11 minutes ago, mackem said:

    Doesn’t look bad for the price,the acid test obviously is how well it groups and shoots at 20-30-40 yards,stick your groups up Leo if you don’t mind once it’s tuned.

    Bingo ! Just managed to adjust it I think and it feels better when I draw. Will  let a few shots off and see how I get on, yeah will post groups mate. Just get my head round setting this pin sight now lol. Must admit I enjoy learning new stuff.  

  20. 3 minutes ago, mackem said:

    Can I see a pic of the full bow please?How much was it?Have you actually loosed an arrow from it?

    Not fired an arrow yet , just drawn it to see how it felt . Was only £185 , had to get camo lol as that was the only one available with quick delivery. Just managed change the cams as we speak 


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  21. 1 minute ago, mackem said:

    The bow sounds a nightmare,have a look at PSE really good budget bows that will give you an inkling of whether you want to go bigger budget?


    Its these little holes in the cam, apparently you can adjust draw length with these at home without a bow shop tune. If I get stuck , a fella who shoots longbows in comps who comes in my business said I can go to his gaff and he will help me 


  22. Just now, mackem said:

    I wonder why that is?Its a weird habit,I think it’s just gauging a person?

    I am a silent people watcher, am always weighing people and the surroundings up . Force of habbit I suppose 

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