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Posts posted by redmoor

  1. Get a small torch and try and position it above the eye, if a thorn or FB is in the eye, it should be noticeable..my own dogs get thorns broken off in their eyes on a scarily regular basis. If something has jagged the eye, an ulcer can form on the cornea, these can be pretty painful and will result in an eye that is half shut and usually with a coloured dishcarge. Bathing the eye with a used teabag can help take some of the inflammation out. Fucithalmic is the best for eyes. You can only use the likes of Maxitrol for true conjuctivitis.

  2. Thank you, it is beautiful up here, lots of wide open space. The Wire Vizsla is a good hunting dog, we had had a fair bit of success with ours, the sire of the pups's owner, more so..he has done well in field trials as well as being used throughout the whole season. They have a totally different way about them as opposed to the smoothies, they are much more sensible and quite reserved. Two dogs and two bitches only left.

  3. I saw a Lynx about 4y ago in the MOD land that borders the coast up here in Scotland..at one stage i saw him from about 100yards...the dogs were terrified and i was frozen to the spot, he stood up and walked away, very calmly..i called my husband who told me to get over to one of the internal roads where there would be people, i began walking the 3 miles towards the road, i had to go down through the deep dunes to climb up and over the other side..i looked up to realise that the Lynx was standing above me from the next hill over..i have never, ever been so sh1t scared in all my life. Three weeks after my sighting, two women walking their dogs also had an encounter with him.


    There had been several deer (Roe) found in the area, decapitated and gutted..rogue dogs had got the blame..but i wonder..a miniature Shetland pony had also been killed on a local farm..but despite searches the Lynx was never found.

  4. yeah my personal opinion is that the wire haired is a much more handsome dog, do the coats grow much thicker than the pictures show?

    how would you rate the difficulty in training in comparrison to a lab, i guess if you put the time in with any breed you will get results! although it would be my first attempt so do you think i would be running before i could walk.

    How would they fair on a driven pheasant shoot from a beating point of view, would the point be an issue, currently i am in a driven shoot where i will be standing, this would primarily give the opportunity only for picking up.

    do you have any more pictures of your dogs, whats the stud dog look like, is he as big as the bitch and whats his coat like.

    one final issue, i would like to keep my dog indoors, how do they fair in a family situation.

    cheers much appreciated.




    Kali has the true wire coat..they do throw pups with wooly coats also..these arent ideal as they arent harsh or waterproof. The stud dog we are using also has a wire coat but isnt as profuse as Kali's. We have never had any other sort of gundog apart from Vizslas, so i cant really comment on the difference between training a Wire and a Lab..obviously the job you are expecting of the Wire is more complex that what a Labrador is bred to do, Kali's began training at 6m old and i would say its really been in the last year that she has brought everything together..as you say..you get out what you put in. Kali is taken out by my husband or her handler on picking up days as well as walked up shooting days, she will perform whichever task you ask of her. Due to some tw*t firing right over her head, she has had a few difficulties recently on shoots when she is near the guns and is a bit worried, so she seems to stick to the handlers side, but will go out and retrieve when asked. The stud dog we are using is a bit slighter than Kali, a little more 'rakey' looking..we chose this dog on purpose as Kali is quite large and masculine for a bitch..i can get some pics of the stud dog for you though. Wires do best living in the house amongst the family, they arent a dog that thrives shut away in a kennel, they are very loving and like to be involved in all aspects of family life. I have put up all the pics i have on disc of Kali..but can take some more once i get back from holiday - a week on Sunday.

  5. One of my dogs has an old injury of a knocked up toe..as Molly says it ends up calloused, but rarely bothers her unless she has been doing a certain type of running, the toe itself feels thickened compared to all the rest. When she first knocked up the toe, i taped it to the toes on either side which helped keep it stable, Arnica is a great help in these cases as it reduces swelling and acts as an anti-inflammatory. I find Metacam better than Rimadyl in these cases.

  6. What you describe is what my husband uses this bitch for..the advantages of a HPR for a single shooter are that you have one dog doing everything for you. My husband often takes her out over land where he has permission and she cant hunt, point and retrieve for him..we also have a handler that takes her out on shoots locally. She works well over all ground including cover on occassion. The advantage of the Wire over the Smooth Vizsla of the likes of GSP is the coat, her coat is profuse and wiry and waterproof, she can work on very cold days and also wet days. She has amazing stamina and works tirelessly throughout the day. There is a book by Gay Gottilieb that talks briefly about the Wire..but apart from that the breed is still not that well known. They are a totally different dog temperament wise to the Smooth Vizsla, they are much calmer and less dizzy, this is our first Wire, but she has been pliable and easy to train..much more so that the Smooth. If you type 'Hungarian Wire Vizsla' into Google it will take you to their website. Wires are still on the rare breeds register through the Kennel Club, sadly even in a breed this small, the show side are managing to breed nervy dogs with a poor coat..thankfully there is an increasing amount of people realising the plusses of this breed in the shooting and more emphasis is being put on breeding decent working stock. She has just been mated this week-end to a dog who is the son of a Hungarian import, he also works. PM me if you want any additional information. Any pups should be born towards the end of November and ready to go mid-Jan.

  7. I trust my Terriers and the Lurcher 100%..i can do anything with them and they are totally accepting, even times when i have had to clean up something sore or pull a nail etc..they would defend me and i them. I dont have the same relationship with the Vizslas, they arent hugely my thing and i dont care for the demanding part of their nature..i LOVE my terriers and the Lurcher pup is very like them.

  8. Our Practice policy is to vasectomise the males and leave the Jills intact..the injection given to Jills is Delvosteron and isnt recommended to be given time and time again, it has the potential to cause womb infections etc if used on an ongoing basis. Vasectomising the males is a quick and short GA procedure, also less expensive than spaying..spaying any female of any species is a large and more complicated, if routine operation. Hope this helps.

  9. We are still seeing puppies that are docked..some clients dont even know that its banned..recently we saw Yorkie, Boxer and OES pups...i dont think it will ever fully stop. I thought the law in England and Wales was that if you could prove the pups were going to be working dogs you could still have them docked?

  10. Sounds pretty like my two, we have never had a minutes bother with either of them, we can take them anywhere, their school reports are always spot on..etc..they have grown up coming to work with me, they have helped rear puppies/kittens etc and for them the animals always come first..there is no question on a cold wet day that the dogs are dried off before we are..they both show compassion and empathy..they have been brought up witnessing real life, not sitting in front of a video/gameboy..they play outside..again, not stuck in front of a computer..i cant see that teaching them things like shooting/ferreting can ever be wrong. My father would say black was white of course.. :hmm:

  11. That's where for me the whole thing falls apart..IF the parents did kill her..how on earth could:


    a)they keep the body hidden in that heat without refridgeration

    b)how could they have moved the body with all the Police presence and the media watching them 24/7

    c)surely even if they had managed to overcome the above, someone would have followed them?

    d)why would they have wanted to kill her..she was conceived via IVF



    One thing i have wondered about is...did she really go missing between 9-10pm...the parents were the only ones to actually see her in her bed...she was seen in the afternoon that day, but no-one saw her after tea time..its conceivable that IF the parents did have something to do with it that they got rid of her body long before they reported her missing?


    The other things i find odd are, 1)why did the parents immediately suspect that she had been abducted..would your first thought not be that she had wandered off? 2)apparently the twins slept right through the parents screaming in the apartment when they realised the older girl was missing, they slept through lights being put on, people searching and finally the Police carrying them out of the apartment an hour later..this isnt normal, if the kids are heavy sleepers? My kids are both heavy sleepers, but if i put the lights on or they heard shouting or a voice they didnt know, even as toddlers they would have stirred.


    My husband and i were talking about this case the other night with friends, we were saying that they had kept the media spotlight on the case etc and my friend said that she wondered if the parent/s had that Munchausers (sp?) syndrome..apparently these people thrive on the attention..


    Whatever has happened and whoever is at fault that poor kid is still missing..you have to hope for her sake that if she was taken by a paedophile that her suffering didnt last too long. I dont think she was alive for longer than the first 24hrs...

  12. We went down to the Borders this week-end to visit friends, my husband and two daughters (10y and 15y) went out shooting on Saturday and ferreting, they had an absolute ball..they came back with 14 rabbits, 3 crows and 5 Pigeons..my friends' husband then taught them how to gut the various things. They loved the ferreting and using the nets. My father is apalled that we allowed them to do this..he thinks its barbaric etc and not something that kids should do..i think the complete opposite, i think its good for them..but hey..i guess my father and i disagree on every subject.. :wallbash: On Sunday they then ate some pigeon for lunch. I think if more kids were involved in fieldsports it would do them the power of good. My elder daugther seems to be a real natural with the gun, she has a very good aim, once again my father thinks that encouraging them to enjoy shooting is a heinous crime..AAGGHRRRRR..the older generation and their insistence they always know best.. :icon_eek:

  13. I wouldnt leave my handbag in an apartment on a bed..so i certainly woulndt leave my kids..we have travelled all over the world with both of our daughters, from the time they were infants, we all ate together...early..or we didnt go out to eat..simple as that. I wouldnt dream of leaving my dogs either..so why on earth your kids? I think the fact that the McCanns are Doctors almost made them exempt from criticism in the beginning...had they both been factory workers the public slaying of them would have been instant. I think also if from day 1 if they had said 'oh my god, we have been so stupid..etc' but from day one they bumped their gums about the fact that they are 'responsible' parents..saying it was the same as having a BBQ in your garden..what utter nonsense. I'm not sure if the parents are involved..but there IS something VERY stange about the whole case, every person i have ever hard talking about it says the same..the mothers' compusure and lack of emotion is actually quite chilling. :icon_eek:

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