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Posts posted by redmoor

  1. My 5/8 bully bitch appears to be in the early stages of a phantom pregnancy, is the only option vets treatment or are there other things that can be done to help her ? . She is five years old and i was planning to put a 3/4 bully over her when she is next in season, her last season was aprox four months ago.

    Any help very greatfully recived.


    If her season was 4m ago its unlikely that its a false pregnancy..false pregnancies are generally seen when the dog would be ready to deliver pups..ie about 63days after the season. Watch out for any pussy discharge from her vulva..if she has milk/behavioural problems then Galastop is the best thing to put paid to all the symptoms. You may be able to just get a prescription from your vet and buy Galastop from an on-line pharmacy.


    Dont take any chances with your bitch if she begins drinking lots of has any type of abnormal discharge, a pyo can kill them in 24hrs.

  2. In bitches neutering them for aggression problems doesnt generally work..when a bitch comes into season, although she may not be pregnant, her hormones stay heightened for the period of time that she would be pregnant..ie 63 days..unless you can very carefully choose that small window of time when she is completely non-hormonal, then spaying may not help. Unlike with male dogs, where castration really does help with aggression problems, it tends on the whole not to make a huge difference with bitches. If you are planning on having her spayed anyway..go for mid-way between the seasons.

  3. Damashaman is correct the new Frontline is a Combo flea treatment, it not only kills the fleas on the dog it also treats the dog's environment...in an ideal world the Frontline would be on both dogs, but the fleas will be killed on the untreated dog as fleas only stay on the host for a short time each day..the go on to feed and then come off either into the environment or lay dormant whilst the blood is being aborbed. In the old style Frontline it only treated the dog, not the environment, but this new combo does eradicate the need to treat the house/car/kennel..and from what Damashaman is saying..an other dog also. Its worth always bearing in mind that if your dog has fleas you must also worm against Tapeworms as fleas and Tape infestations go hand in hand..Drontal Plus is the best treatment for tape and roundworm.

  4. Very common..unlikely to be a urine infection though..wash the area throughly with cool boiled water and salt (1tsp to 1pt of water)..best thing is Streptopen Milking Cow to sort this..but sluicing the area with salt water should sort it out if you dont want to take him to the vet.

  5. Metacam is good too..perhaps not quite as harsh on the stomach as Rimadyl..also easier to dose more acurately as it comes in liquid form..both are NSAIDs (non steroidal anti-inflammatories). You can get either from an on-line pet pharmacy as long as you have a prescription from your Vet. Worth remembering that for now Vets are not allowed to charge to write a prescription. Neither of these drugs can be bought without a prescription as they are POMs.

  6. My first cross Bedlington Whippet is now almost 10m old, he is 20" TTS and weighs 12kg..







    He runs like the wind but has an excellent recall to the whistle..he has bizarrely begun to point..i'm guessing this has been learned off the gundogs! He will retrieve to hand although as yet is uninterested in chasing anything other than the other dogs! :icon_redface:

  7. He is on a low protein diet..he doesnt get any sort of pre-packaged treats and the diet he is on is hypoallergenic and also low fat and for senior dogs. He does get raw food too and gets about 2-3miles of exercise daily split over 2 walks..he does get more at week-ends..during the week i take them all to a field where we have permission and he loves flying around after rabbits..his catch rate isnt great anymore..but he doesnt know that!!


    The vets..typically..think that unless something fits in a box it cant be this or that..they tell me that it isnt epilepsy as it doesnt fit into the signs..but surely epilepsy can be different in individuals?


    The way things stand right now the turns arent a huge problem..its distressing to see him like that..but 3 times in almost 2y years isnt major..i just want to know how best to treat him. The vets are talking about this test and that test, spinal taps and MRIs..to be honest, all this is going to do is tell me where the problem is and what its called..i dont need to know that..i just want the dog to be as happy and healthy as he can for his age..i dont believe in filling them with drugs and having them poked and prodded at.


    I guess its now a waiting game to see when/if this happens again. :blink:

  8. It sounds like conjunctivitis, but foreign bodies in the eye can produce the same discharge, have a good look at the eye under a light to make sure there is nothing in the cornea. Is the conjunctiva red and inflamed? For true conjuctivitis Maxitrol is the best thing to use..this wouldnt be safe if there was a foreign body in the eye though as it contains steroid to reduce inflammation. Fucithalmic is then the best ointment to use.

  9. No, he returns to normal after all the twitching and odd movements stop..he then just goes back to sleep..or he wants a biscuit. This is the third odd turn in just short of 2y which seems to make sense when the vets say that they dont think it is anything too serious ie tumour/meningitis etc..otherwise it would happen on a much more regular basis and there would apparantly be other symptoms. He is coming up for 11y this year and still flies around after rabbits..he doesnt always catch them as he used to as a young dog, but he certainly gives it his best shot. He was an abuse case that came to us at (we think) just over a year old..the guy who had him battered him senseless, he still bears many of the scars that were inflicted upon him 10y on. :thumbdown: He is such a good dog, he has never given us any bother, he is sweet tempered and great to live with..his only hate is male Golden Retrievers!!

  10. th_MOV00317.jpg


    This is the third of these 'turns' that he has had, the first 2 lasted between 2-3mins and this last one lasted just over 8mins..he is fully aware during the turn and has no flickering eye movements. All is muscles are rigid and he is burning hot to the touch, the hair on his back shoots up and down and his back is arched with his tail stuck right down. His head sways from side to side. He doesnt appear to be in any pain, he just seems a little confused.


    General concensus seems to be that it may be SPIKES/CECS...commonly seen in Borders. Anyone else ever had a dog that does anything like this?


    The turns always happen at night..always when he is asleep. He has had three of these in just under 2y. The video has been sent to a veterinary neurologist at Glasgow.


    Sorry its at an odd angle...i cant get it to turn around. :icon_redface:


    Any thoughts?

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