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are springers the most adaptable working dogs?

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i have a right little springer and he is the small and stocky type and he does just about anything that i do

he will work very rough cover in the season on rough shoots

he will sit still in a hide if im waiting for pigeons or corvids

set holes when im out ferreting or grab em when they bolt or just stay at heel when after rabbits

retrieve from water or in fact any other terrain

i think that springers are one of the most adaptable dogs there are but if you think different please tell me


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got to agree but my use for them is for flushing rabbits for the lurchers so in the last 25 years i have had my own strain so to speak all bred from other strains but kept small the odd ones wat have gon to keepers and shooting have made the grade. i can work them anywere not being on edge if ther is badger setts about like you would if you were bushing with terriers. atvb

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can you course bunnies whith yours?

i want a lurcher but mum wont let me get one so im trying to make do

a spaniel will never course a rabbit up to the point of catching it and it would be a waste of a good dog if it did because it would then be uselees for everything else as it would get into the habit of chasing other game so i would just wait till your a bit older to get a lurcher :victory:

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can you course bunnies whith yours?

i want a lurcher but mum wont let me get one so im trying to make do

a spaniel will never course a rabbit up to the point of catching it and it would be a waste of a good dog if it did because it would then be uselees for everything else as it would get into the habit of chasing other game so i would just wait till your a bit older to get a lurcher :victory:

sorry but i dont agree that the dog would be useless for eveything else useless to a shooting man maybe you give me the impression that onely shooting people should own theis dogs.
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sorry but i dont agree that the dog would be useless for eveything else useless to a shooting man maybe you give me the impression that onely shooting people should own theis dogs.


Yep it pretty much would be. If the dog ran into flushed game and tried to course the game, on a Rough shoot this would be very dangerous and would seriously danger the dog, for example. If a spaniel went after a hare or rabbit and a shooter shot at the rabbit there is a good chance the dog could get shot.


Also why do you say it shouldnt only be shooting man that own a spaniel? He is giving that impression because spaniel's are born and bred to quarter infront of a gun to flush game, and has done for hundred's of year's.

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Guest traceyg

Used to have a springer at home (parents house ) But it was a loopy bugger . But looks like you got yourself a nice little one there .I love my whippets now wouldn't have anything else.

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My spaniel was trained by the MOD to sniff out bumblebee nests to help with my work. Thats a hard job it seems, the cover by mid summer prevents him being very much use. He's good company, but not much use for my hunting, likes going ferreting, will sit quietly while I set nets and loves watching the netted holes for bolting rabbits, but he marks 90% of all the burrows, even if there's no bunnies home. He's very gentle with the ferrets, and sometimes helps me find them if they've wandered away.

Going back to the original post...I'm not sure if Springers are especially versitile. I think most dogs, given enough time, and want to work, will do most jobs. I used to have a jack russel when I was a teenager, and could send him away, lie down, come and lie down, well enough to move the sheep from field to field :D

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so its not ok for someone to work them with lurchers like lads work the terrier lurcher combination


I never said that, i said that springer's are born and bred for the use infront of a gun to hunt flush and retreive game.


Arnt labs better for wildfowling or can springers be just as good. What are the pro's and cons between the 2 when it comes to wildfowling?


Yes i think Lab's are the best for wildfowling. Springer's can be just as good sometime's but if you have a small bred springer they can struggle with a mallard or something bigger in thick cover submerged in water. springer's also have a thicker coat and are not as well suited for sitting next to you for a length of time soaking wet ( the lab's coat is like an otter) so water just runs off their back's. Also i have found that lab's are fearless of the water :whistling:

Edited by lewismac1
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Springers are the true allrounder given a chance they will chase bunnies all day but it isnt what they were bred for.They will try and do anything you ask for them as they have brains and all they want to do is please you.They will perform on the marsh but as Lewis said they will struggle with the cold sitting there in a muddy hollow.I dont really like mine to sit at me side pigeon shooting either..does incline to wind them up a little bit lol

The Lab has the title of wildfowl dog they will sit at your side hour on hour in the chance of a retrieve,they dont feel the cold like springers due to there coat and are in there element in water.Generations of breeding has ensured there design and use..


Just my opinion.




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