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Webley Raider 10 Help

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Has anyone any ideas as to what can be wrong with my sub 12lb raider?

I took it into a south of Preston gun shop, because it wasn't cocking properly,it kept on jamming.They said they knew an enthusiast who would repair it,only clicked later on,on way home what she'd said.

It came back with that fault repaired,but is now very noisy as if the moderator had been removed.

I can only get about 6 reasonably accurate shots, and that's using 50lb of air, then group opens up to a 2" group with wild shots,some high some low and to left/right.

I took the rifle back 4 times,at one point told to use Bisley magnum pellets.

I gave up taking it back because I git fed up with the attitude from the assistants,helpful at first but gradually wore off to ignoring me.

Edited by bsctiny
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Are you sure its your mod that is fitted on your rifle and he has not switched it with another


plus if he has it may be the pellets are clipping the mod every now and again


If he has had the rifle apart and has had the barrel off YOU need to make sure the barrel band is fitted back strait and true


if not the pellets will fly all over the place


I knocked mine once and when you looked at it the barrel looked strait but was not as soon as i loosened the band it flipped back its self


plus make sure the barrel is pushed right back into the chamber i think if memory serves me right there is a O,ring that the barrel sits up against if this is not in or the barrel is not sitting in the right place this will result in there being a gap and the loudness could be coming from there .


try another mod on her first and see what she is like


all ways try the easiest things first .


Mine was jamming at one point and all i did was put a little gun grease on the the side of the bolt and run it back and forth a few times and this sorted it .




ATVBJIMMY :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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With out having the rifle in front of me i can only tell you a few things to try .


But as it was the bolt that was sticking i cant see him having to take the barrel off


But if he has taken the breach apart he would of had to take it off IF he has


like i say,d a little bit grease sorted mine with out having to take it apart.


Check the mod first and the barrel band.


and you dont have to empty the air out to take the barrel off


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Are you sure it's using 50lbs of air not 50 bar?

What ever it's not right mate they are normally very quite and usually good on air. Is it .22 or .177 and do you know exactly this enthusiastic person dud to your gun. A sticking cocking level shouldn't take much sorting so you've ended up with more wrong than you started with.



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