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Classic Breeding

Guest trev

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Some freinds of mine, well as a matter of fact the people who rear my pups for me have some classicaly breed young dogs for sale.

Now my motto has always been a pound of breeding is worth a ton of feeding and you wont get much better bred pups than these.


These are by:

Top honcho http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?d=top+honcho


dam: http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1049603


That would make these 3/4 the same breeding to this years derby finalist he said so. http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?d=he+said+so


These pups have had the best start possible in life they are 4 months old and are beautiful pups.

Price is 2500E for dogs and 2000E for bitches.



The next lot is 3 bitch pups:

Sire: Black jack tom http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?d=black+jack+tom


Dam:Ellens Mercedes http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?d=ellens+mercedes


Ellens mercedes is the only sister to this years derby runner enchanting hero, she is by enchantment and that dam line needs no introduction.



These bitches are 4 and half months old and gaian have had a fantastic start in life they are reasonably priced, very reasonably priced at 1000E each.

Ellens mercedes has a litter to hondo dubh that are just starting to school these saplings airaplaned round first time and should make very decent dogs.


I will have somce pictures to follow later on.


You can contact Malcom or Eleanor on 052 42781 from Ireland or 003535242781 from the u.k

Or you can email them on eleanorrileygreyhounds@msn.com


These people are 100% sound and genuine and ive yet to meet more genuine people in the game since ive been involved.


Please no time wasters as they need to move these saplings on.


Just to add i have one myself from the enchantment line, by top honcho out of a bitch called chosen way who is the only sister to Kinda magic http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=123365 a well known campaigner in england in his day.


Again this would make my pup 3/4 the same breeding as enchanting hero and im very veyr happy with his progress, this pup will race open class in the near future

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Heres some pictures of the top honcho pups:










This is a litter sister to the black jack tom pups advertised, i dont have any of the three bitches in particular but this was one of the smaller ones.I will try get some pics soon, the other is the litter brothers.




Litter brothers:



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