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its getting expensive to go to my permission for more then one day a week also very tireing when driving home(getting on a bit) so thought about self catering cottage to book fri and sat during low season and if right set up then a week or so let later on. filterd the search to location and dogs welcome and for minimum of two people got a few emails off to potential lets but all replys are anti hunting so no joy up to now so have you lot got any places that you would recomend and are both field sports and dog friendly and maybe start a list with locations etc or this could be a possible earner for adds on the site sorry if this is already set up on the site .

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its getting expensive to go to my permission for more then one day a week also very tireing when driving home(getting on a bit) so thought about self catering cottage to book fri and sat during low season and if right set up then a week or so let later on. filterd the search to location and dogs welcome and for minimum of two people got a few emails off to potential lets but all replys are anti hunting so no joy up to now so have you lot got any places that you would recomend and are both field sports and dog friendly and maybe start a list with locations etc or this could be a possible earner for adds on the site sorry if this is already set up on the site .


Dont tell um your hunting :thumbs::angel:

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