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About ivanh

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. didnt know what section to put this in.its maybe already on here? http://www.ayradvertiser.com/news/ayr/articles/2011/08/09/415956-family-appeal-for-missing-father/
  2. where's the best place to buy a plectrum tail mount.
  3. Sent away my renewal two weeks ago for my sg and fa. Got a letter yesterday saying no photos. They were definitely in the envelope. And i sellotaped the envelope shut. So had to going get another 8 photos today what a pain in the ass.
  4. ivanh


    kits at a week old
  5. moxy on here made me this one can carry your nets in it to
  6. try moxy he makes a good box at a good price
  7. ivanh


    the lad who gave me her said he didnt know how old she was.she looks like a young jill.so not exactly sure of her age
  8. ivanh


    my ferret had her young last night.she had 14.2 of them died.i thought this was a big litter? so they should be ready to go in about 6 weeks.free if anyone is interested.
  9. just asking if anyone uses crossman premier pellets.if so what are your thoughts on them
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