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the old girl strikes again

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the comotion kicked off about twenty minuites ago.id been outside to lock the shed up and get the moggie in.i done my duties and came in and sat down.about five minuites after i had sat down the pup vanished into the kitchen with one of the moggies and there were a lot of squeals coming from the bathroom.i went in to see what was going on as i thought the pup was chewing on the cat again :D ,but on further inspection the cat had a rat pinned in a corner of the bathroom.im sunising the rat had snuck in whilst i had the front door open.anyway,i got the cat out of the road as i knew what was going to happen,the pup was standing looking and growling at the rat,i shouted of the old dog in and battle commenced,the old dog grabbed it and took a bite to the face which in turn turned her mad.shes grabbed hold of it again and shook the sh*t out of it.the pup decided enough was enough and also took hold of it,unfortunatley for the rat its day came to a sticky end,the old dog was bleeding quite heavily from her mouth but ive managed to get that sorted out,the up has got a few blood splatters on his fur but other than that hes came away unscathed.happy days :thumbs: i will get some ictures up of the rat later on

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