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rats !!


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I've heard all kinds over the years but for me its very simple, bread! this is what I used to do...


I put a mound of small pieces of bread out a couple of metres from the back of my garden, I'd then throw a handful of rubbed bread up in the air, go put the kettle on, have a sandwich or a can of beer :drink: wait till the bread comes down....nahhhh! I jest, I sat at the bedroom window, let the rat take the bread, give it confidence, maybe a couple of times, make sure the pieces are small.


I'd get up to 16 a night sometimes, they'd come out facing me, I've hit them through the head and its come out of their ar$e, stopping them stone cold. You might get the small ones coming out first, when they go back with the bread the bigger ones rob the bread from the little-uns. Years ago when I began shooting them, I read that the rats intake of food was 75% wheat, so to me, bread was the answer and it never failed


I've moved since, me gun's in the loft dormant :( wish I had somewhere to shoot.


What gun was it mate?




I used a springer, BSA Meteor, I put a new Oxspring in it, done a great job, got rid of hundreds of the buggers, my lad has it now, I own a Daystate Harrier, lovely rifle but as I say, its dormant until I get a somewhere to shoot.


I'd also like to say I've put a white sheet of hardboard across the back of the garden and when the rat passes, bingo! try it. This was up to 25 yds. I've tried all sorts, painting a light red so it shines a soft pink colour, they come out under that, much better than harsh white light if yer gonna use lights.

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