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flying weight female buzzard

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female common buzzard that is



Well there is NO such thing as an average flying/hunting weight!,and would be silly for me to put it into type really.


I could use this for an example:


Finnish Gos female of Cliff Bramald 2lb 14oz pr,or Mick Kane Finnish Gos female 2lb 6oz......................




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You will never know the flying weight of any bird until you actually stick it on a set of scale's and start the process of manning and training..but dont be missled with flying weight's because hunting and killing weight's are a different ball game in some bird's..UNLESS it is a wild caught bird but that is illegal over here..


The last time i visited my mate who breed's gos's he had and still has..?.. a female that reminded me of a steppe eagle i was once out with.. :icon_eek: ..because of its sheer size..

I can not remember the correct weight's and i dont want to lie but she is over the 3lb mark fat weight and im sure it will be up on here sooner or later.. :thumbs: ..



i am sure i know the bird you speak off millett,and the bloody thing tried to drag me into its mews through the bars lol

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The fact that you are asking the flying weight of a Buzzard is a little worrying .As there is no set weight every bird is different.You need to find the flying weight by weighing it from day 1.man the bird and gradually lower its weight until it starts responding that is feeding off the glove jumping to the glove and then extending the distance flown on the creance line until it is responding instantly the full length of line.It will the be ready to fly free and that will be its flying weight at that moment in time.But as somebody previous stated that won't be its entering weight or killing weight.

Please tell me why did you ask the question are you getting a bird or just curious?


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The fact that you are asking the flying weight of a Buzzard is a little worrying .As there is no set weight every bird is different.You need to find the flying weight by weighing it from day 1.man the bird and gradually lower its weight until it starts responding that is feeding off the glove jumping to the glove and then extending the distance flown on the creance line until it is responding instantly the full length of line.It will the be ready to fly free and that will be its flying weight at that moment in time.But as somebody previous stated that won't be its entering weight or killing weight.

Please tell me why did you ask the question are you getting a bird or just curious?


just curious

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