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Snared a wabbit, first attempt!

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So I've been browsing this forum for a few days and thought I'd have a go at snaring :)


No brass wire or 2mm galvanized fence wire for the tealers at hand so I thought I'd improvise and made some fence snares using green plastic coated gardening wire out of my garage.


4 Strand spun, 5" by 7" loop and no eyelets... :rolleyes:


Tied 7 of them to a fence with no rabbit mesh or deer fencing on it, just made note of the tracks and set them.


Out of 7 snares I just caught 1 single wabbit :icon_redface:


Unfortunately the crows and foxes had got to it first so no wabbit pie for supper :(


Not bad for a girl on her first attempt I suppose though, lol


Would've taken a picture but the damn rechargable batteries had packed in... (I'm sure I'd checked them before I went to the field :unsure: )






Kira :angel:

Edited by Bunny_Boiler
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nice, i favour fence snares, or like on the warreners dvd i think its called a running snare, ive got a post up some were, but i wouldn't have though what you used would be the best thing, even if you buy shop shit snares (about £3 for 10) with a bit of tlc then can catch, i had 6 out of 10 today with them. good luck to ya, keep at it :thumbs:

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