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League Against Cruel Sports sanctuary exposé

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I found out something quite intrestng about one of the LACS monitors today from when he used to be a pro hunting lad, but we have to wait untill we find the negatives for the photos before we can prove it 100%. But he same chap used to bunk of school with the now master and huntsman for the weston and banwell harriers to go hunting on exmoor years ago.


When i get the photo ill do my best to bash it up on here so you can all haave a gander at it.

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Guest bigredbusa
We are going to try and get them in the national press to try and discredit the c**k faced w****r


nice one , please send them my way as they will also be posted on sabsarescabs .


times need to change , we lost fox hunting but now we need to turn the tables , i intend to attend a few hunt meets this year with a few dirty tricks of my own for the sabs . :)

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surprise surprise...more animals suffering due to clueless people with "good intentions" :thumbdown:


Surely these "extreme" antis are nothing more than terrorists? Usung violence, threatening behavious, hiding their faces with masks and hoodies......digging up an elderly womans dead body.....come on......


......they may not all be members of LACS but it all seems to be dome in either their name or Animal Aid's. Surely someone aught to try and take them to court for "Incitement to comit crime"?

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