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Guest ferretfinder

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Guest ferretfinder

I am so pist off!!! I was just walking my 2 JRT when, a woman came walking towards me with her dog a lead! My 2 ran towards her dog as they usually do and I shouts o the woman "they din't hut just wanna say hello", anyway, as I get to her she says "get your f*****g dogs away from mine , it's not fair on him, e has to stay in the lead!!!" to which I replied "take ur dog off the lead" and she shouts to me "my dog would f*****g rip your dog to shreds if I let it off the lead" and I shouted back to her "well if your dog is vicious then it should be muzzled". All I was doing was taking my dogs for a quiet walk and I am shouted at !!!! Arrrhhhhh

End of rant!!!! :realmad:

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Guest Lurcherbitch

Well to be honest, i would not be happy with two dog's running up to some of mine, especialy my foster dog's. Also i dont see why dog's on leads should be muzzled, they are on leads they are under controle so why should they be muzzled. I have had dog's muzzled that i was assesing and they have been attacked by other peoples uncontroled dog's and ripped to shreds :angry: . I alway's have my own two dog's off lead but if i see someone who has there's ON lead i take it for granted it's a whimpy owner or there dog aint friendly, so i then get mine under controle so's not to cause a accident or arguement.

It is understandable that YOU would get upset at someone thinking your dog's would harm, BUT only YOU know that, the other person doesnt.

Not getting at you, just putting another point, as i run a rescue and get into situations like this all the time when assesing dog's, & i do fully understand the arguement from both sides. If my fosters run up to people n dog's i appoligies & calm the situation down if people's dog's run up to mine then i just tell em to get there dog's under controle. either way the owner is to blame for what ever happens but it's the dog that pay.

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Guest thunderbelly

dogs off leash running at my dog is the reason there is a knife on my belt almost all the time. Leash your dogs or atleast train them to walk off leash beside you. What if the dog was across the street and when they went over there they were hit by a car? What if that person kicked your dogs in the jaw? Too many hazards for undisiplined dogs like that loose.

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I've been in the same situation many times when I've had mine on the lead. I've had dogs come racing up to mine and I've shouted for the owners to get them on the f*cking lead. The response is always the same...."don't worry they are friendly"................well I'm f*****g sorry, but mine aren't, that's why they are on a lead.

If your dogs are off the lead then it's your problem as it wouldn't happen if they were under control.

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I've been in the same situation many times when I've had mine on the lead. I've had dogs come racing up to mine and I've shouted for the owners to get them on the f*cking lead. The response is always the same...."don't worry they are friendly"................well I'm f*****g sorry, but mine aren't, that's why they are on a lead.

If your dogs are off the lead then it's your problem as it wouldn't happen if they were under control.


:clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper: Does that go for Yorkies as well? :11: :11: :11:

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Guest Lurcherbitch

Aye, now you just hang on a minute, who the f**k are you to come on here with that attitude. My dog's (foster) are not bloody perfect, that's why i have them under controle. Also if they are only pups you should be f*****g training them, NOT getting at people who know better. Just cause we dont agree with you there is no need for this. take the advice & learn from it.

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Damn right LB :good: I know what my dogs are like, hence they are under control. You might know what your dogs are like ie harmless but if they are running up to strange dogs (which they clearly are) then it's entirely your fault if they come a cropper.

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Guest Lurcherbitch
Who the hell are you judging me you dont even know me !!! Chill out a bit woman!!



At what point have i judged you? believe me i am chilled you'd know it if i was'nt,i am the only one on this thread that said i was not getting at you.

i take it your a child so wont respond again as you have not got the mentality to take advice. I am afraid you may be suffering from cognitive dissonance.

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Guest ferretfinder

For god sake go and worry about some one else I didn't ask u to reply to my post!!!! If u dont like me dont talk to me I aint bothered only came on this sight to learn more not to get spoken to like some shit on the bottom of your shoe. I wasn't rude to you so have a little respect for me!!!!

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Who the hell are you judging me you dont even know me !!! Chill out a bit woman!!



At what point have i judged you? believe me i am chilled you'd know it if i was'nt,i am the only one on this thread that said i was not getting at you.

i take it your a child so wont respond again as you have not got the mentality to take advice. I am afraid you may be suffering from cognitive dissonance.

:search: That told him then!

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