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I thought SACs posistion on the snaring debate was clear and the issue concluded


If you don't want to detract from the issues why mention the other issues agaiin?? The bottom line is an allegation/inference was made on numerous threads in this forum that the Scottish Association for Countrysports was not taking part in the snaring issue in Scotland that is incorrect If me telling the truth puts you off of joining SAC's thats a matter for you!! If your Scottish and want to lobby your MSP thats your right, I've allready lobbied mine on the issue as well as a couple of others including members of SACs who happen to be involved in the snaring debate.


If you think telling the truth and informing SAC's members of the forum what we are doing with re: to the snaring debate in a respose to someone else's pos!t is a waste of time om my part and the Directors why respond to it if your not a member? that being the case? its not your concern what I and the Director of SAC's do with our own time as a non member. I don't see any personal input from any of the hierachy of the SCA/CA on this hunting forum or any other





quote name='daunker' date='Feb 12 2008, 03:50 PM' post='425096']

Foxgun I don't want to detract from the issue at stake here but I don't see why you and a director from SACs waste your time, and those responses must have taken a considerable time to write, attacking a poster on the forum who is trying to raise awareness and how one could go about contacting their MSP to register their discontent. If I were in a position to want to join the SACs this would seriously put me off. It's easy to talk some spiel on a forum, but at the end of the day what matters is results and if a director of SACs is so concerned with point scoring over another that they are not putting the effort they could be into getting those results.

Edited by Foxgun Tom
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I don't think the majority of city people understand the ways of the country and all the traditions that have gone on there for hundreds of years. Most of them only see rabbits as cute little bunnies in story books. They do not realize just how much damage these animals cause. They have never probably seen a Rabbits slow lingering death from Myxamatosis. It is these people and the massively populated areas they live in that the MP's target in there election agendas. I know many people from cities that follow Field Sports and it is these people and the people from the country who do more for conservation by tried and tested methods than any MP sitting at his desk and earning fat pay cheques could hope to achieve in his lifetime. People involved in field sports are always striving to find ways of killing their quarry quickly and cleanly by coming up with new traps etc. But since man started to walk upright the snare has been probably the quickest means of trapping ever evolved. Banning this will probably lead to more poisons been laid and with that the devastaing impact to wild life that we are all aware off.



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Before long, ALL fieldsports will be banned. The only time we'll be able to do anything will be for pest control, and then we'll have to pay for some government stooge to come out so they can be sure there's a pest problem. I can see it coming......

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WEDNESDAY is the day we will here about the future of snaring in Scotland.


2 things that some people have got wrong in posting on this thread and other threads:


1. Yes it is just Scotland involved at present, but that doesnt mean that the English MPs will not follow what happens up here closely.


2. This is about all snares rabbits, rats and foxes.


I have received an email copy of a leaflet sent to every MSP and to members of organisations. The organisations that wrote it are BASC, SGA, NFUS, SCA, SEBG and SRPBA and it tells us things like what snares are involved etc.


People can still email MSPs, go to the Scottish Parlaiment website and get their address if you would like to.



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