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Hi folks, Just bought 200yds of sheet netting that i intend to use as a 100yd net for ferreting. Now to be honest with you i'm not sure how long it is as i've not seen it laid out yet! I said that that coz i reckon some folks would say thats far to long. I also have 2 much shorter ones ( used with a game bag like the basket system!) as i find it eiser to use them with the ferrets than getting scratched to hell & back putting down purse nets. My questions are should i just attach my runners & end pins & use it that way (but would it be harder to get the crap out as i pick it up) or make it into a basket system? I like the ones i use at the mo even thou they need the poles comming off & doing again now. My main prob i think is i want a net to run down one side of a spinny while i place shorter nets across it down its lengh! Most of my hedges are very long & thick & i was thinking while doing them i could set that 100yd net one side the whole length while my shorter ones are the other?

Any advise would be great please follks.

Thanks in advance


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100yrds of net on one set of endpins is a hell of a lot of weight on your fore arms whilst picking up, more so when wet.


also take a moment to think of the sence behind what im about to say..........


if you have a single net of 100yrds and you keep it that way for the one place you ferret you wil be limiting your options if you ferret else where. if for example you then want to ferret a place where a bank is say 45 yrds long you will have 55yrds sitting on the end pins doing nothing. If however you were to split them you can cover far more types of ferreting situations.


Im not saying your a novice netter but i have had a few novice netters buy longnets off me this season for ferreting and i have said the same to them all. If you split a 100yrd net into 1 x 50yrd and 2 x 25yrd nets you have a better asortment of nets that will cover most situations whilst ferreting



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100yrds of net on one set of endpins is a hell of a lot of weight on your fore arms whilst picking up, more so when wet.


also take a moment to think of the sence behind what im about to say..........


if you have a single net of 100yrds and you keep it that way for the one place you ferret you wil be limiting your options if you ferret else where. if for example you then want to ferret a place where a bank is say 45 yrds long you will have 55yrds sitting on the end pins doing nothing. If however you were to split them you can cover far more types of ferreting situations.


Im not saying your a novice netter but i have had a few novice netters buy longnets off me this season for ferreting and i have said the same to them all. If you split a 100yrd net into 1 x 50yrd and 2 x 25yrd nets you have a better asortment of nets that will cover most situations whilst ferreting



Thanks for the advice mate.

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