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New to FX - Royale 400 .177.

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Just posted this in General Discussion:

Hi all,

It’s been a while since I last posted, I shoot a HW100 & an FN19 Lighthunter, both have been tuned and are .22 they are cracking rifles. The HW100 is super efficient & accurate, the FN19 when in it’s sweet post is still a very efficient hunting tool and accurate.

I have been working flat out recently and want to get a third air rifle, self treat! I was thinking of the FX Royale 400 in .177 (as always have shot .22 for hunting). 2 questions:

Does anyone shoot FX, are they as accurate & good as the reviews say in a hunting environment?

Is .177 a good hunting calibre for rabbits, squizzers etc?

I am Going to look at a .177 Royale 400, Thumbhole in Walnut on Monday with a view to buy, with an FX scope and mounts on. I will use it for hunting rabbits, squizzers etc, before I buy, worth the investment? Are they reliable rifles?



Edited by Gaoler
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