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Countryside Alliance told to Feck off !!!

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Why!!!!For F**Ks Sake!!!do you really think the people that made/created the laws know what lurcherwork, Terrierwork or the even Houndwork other than Foxhunting is? Do they hell... all they know is red coats, toffs, cruelty, fluffy animals and class war bollocks. Not only that they are so far removed from living of the land they have no understanding of what it involves. We don't need to make things more complicated, we just need to get rid of the rubbish they dumped on us.


The Scottish parliament at least had the guts to discuss the practicalities of the decisions they made and quite sensibly came up with the idea that cubs "could" and "should" be killed by Terriers. Our shower of shits/antis had had a belly full and couldn't stomach to even think about such things. They jumped in Red Coats in the air...then! realised the shit was too deep...jibbed...legged it...made a bollocks of the whole thing and they knew it...couldn't turn back and left us in the complicated shit we now find ourselves in. For goodness sake we've magistrates and judges asking for guidence!!! Worrying about someone killing a fox or a deer...when they can turn around to a paedophile and put the fu**kers on license cause the prisons are full :sick: I really think were are living in the most disgusting, disfunctional, demoralising society that the World has ever produced.


Brian Friend is doing it for free and is as far as i know supported by the UCSW and private donations the CA are funding there own appeal....All of these are funded by people who support hunting with dogs. Or i guess the Human right to protect your stock of take food with the assistance of dogs. There is documented evidence that we in this Kingdom have been doing this for over two thousand years!!! So why are we any different from any other minority group which enjoys freedom from such legislation. Just because we come from the same doesn't mean we have to be like them. They celebrate other minorities but are allowed to hate/despise/disparage and abuse a minority within there own majority. With this in mind I don't give a shit who it is exactly whose fighting my corner, I'm just glad there's some left and my money's on dog in the slips :yes: its the only one with a chance at the hare ;) and yes i'm doubling up :toast: If i lose this match :hmm: there will be others. :drink:

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I thought I was the only one who ranted and raved :thumbs:





Ps: And the so-called Scottish Alliance are still doing feck all too change the Scottish publics perception of hunting with dogs, not just hounds!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Foxgun Tom
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:laugh: Rant and Rave...Sounds like a couple of dogs :laugh: (Have to remeber them names) I think you'll find that getting new members is far harder than getting disenfranchised members of other organisations . Whereas the organisations such as the CA who appeal/aspire to a broader membership will find it easier to get new members...so on the whole the pot gets bigger :yes: but the pots becomes a number of pots, with more specialised purposes. Then when the actual question comes...Say...Should it be illegal for a dog to kill a fox/hare/deer the total answer is a resounding NO...Which has far more clout than from just one organisation...even moreso if these orgainisations can be shown to be from different classes or as is now prefered socio-economic groups :laugh: Anyone would think its part of a cunning plan :laugh:
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Why!!!!For F**Ks Sake!!!do you really think the people that made/created the laws know what lurcherwork, Terrierwork or the even Houndwork other than Foxhunting is? Do they hell... all they know is red coats, toffs, cruelty, fluffy animals and class war bollocks. Not only that they are so far removed from living of the land they have no understanding of what it involves. We don't need to make things more complicated, we just need to get rid of the rubbish they dumped on us.



the above points are the exact points that the CA should have used to educate the public and to show that there is more than red coats to hunting then and only then may we get a repeal, they aren't going to repeal something that they think only effects a small percentage of the upper classes, the only way to get rid of the rubbish they dumped on us is to make it more complicated.........your last point about socio-economic groups is along the right lines :thumbs:

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What i think i was meaning :hmm::icon_redface: was that we just need to overturn the legislation that has caused the bizarre situations we now find ourselves in full stop.


The CA reckon that it will take several :icon_eek: years to get the case before the European Court...So it looks like the general election will be the first chance for change. Quite how badly new labour have to behave to get ousted i don't know...but i think theres going to be fun and games over the next few weeks :yes: long may it continue :laugh:

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Guest Lady-Hunter07
Surprise in the next SACs magazine for you, wee yin!! :thumbs:




Tom how have you been? havnt seen you on in a good while?


You said it was out before x-mas yes? Or did i pick it up wrong? :)

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Guest Lady-Hunter07
Surprise in the next SACs magazine for you, wee yin!! :thumbs:




Tom how have you been? havnt seen you on in a good while?


You said it was out before x-mas yes? Or did i pick it up wrong? :)


:clapper: Oh i got it this morning, dads face lite up when he seen the pitures :laugh:


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Foxgun Tom. Ranting and Raving will get you nowher.


You have to remember that organisations like SCA and SACs and event the CA exist on a shoe string and need all the help and support they can get. Maybe it was a case that the wealthier fox hunting members gave more financial support and more advise and help to their campaigns. Maybe more of you lurcher and terrier lads need to stop ranting aimlessly on computers and get out there and help the organisations to help yourselves.


Personally Im not into all this belly aching amongst people who should be fighting the same fight.


The politicians love it they call ti "Divide and Rule" and whilst you and your like keep ranting and keep our side divided we have no hope of winning.


You should divert some of your pent up frustration and anger at towards fighting the antis!! :feck:



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