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Tricky Hares

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Could not really tell on my phone... What happened ? Had a few dogs get strung up thankfully I was quickly to them... When I was a lad f**k knows how I managed it. I tried to get two terriers under a electric fence and managed to clip the couplings to the wire and shocked myself several times to get them off that was a nightmare lol my old lurcher hit a leccy fence fairly shocked her... Went out the beam heard a load of screaming was fine after ten mins or so and carried on lamping. Hate leccy fences is a fair few on my bits to no good for ferreting

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wouldnt be the first i got shocked mate them fences are a c**t of a thing poor old dogs dont know what hit them,i had a saluki x hit an electric fence she took off and wouldnt come back i went back to the permission looking her for a week a 2 hour drive each time and local farmers said they seen her but she wouldnt come any were near them, never got her back :cray:

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That's a shame mate. Guess I was lucky with mine. Some give more of a kick than others. I don't know if it's true, some crazy folk wire them up to the mains ??? Be sick if me dog took off and it never came back...

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That's a shame mate. Guess I was lucky with mine. Some give more of a kick than others. I don't know if it's true, some crazy folk wire them up to the mains ??? Be sick if me dog took off and it never came back...

Yes it's true.


And they do vary. A lot of ours are 1000 volts!

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A lot of electric fences for stock here in southern ireland are hooked up to the mains, been a few deaths not just with animals but humans as well !!

Fecking stupid thing to do!!

I find saluki crosses and salukis and electric fences don't mix, had a saluki take off on me like that a while back after a shock from a fence, luckly i found him shivering in a barn some fields away, he was sound after a while!

Hate them and barbed wire!!!


Edited to say, just watched that clip, seen a few of them clips made by them pricks, as that's all they are, pricks, as they have not got a clue about coursing, if you watch the rest if their silly clips, their dogs are ran unfit by the looks of it and are dirt!!!

Edited by Saluki246
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