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Warthog Hunt - South Africa ( Sept 2012)

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I never post in this section as im more into terriers than rifles, but thought this may be of interest to some of you.


Like most on this forum, i grew up shooting with airguns, rifles and shotguns and it was always a dream i had to hunt something in africa (other than the natives). When i was at college i made one single friend and he is now my best mate and im his best man next year at his wedding. Best of all he is from Africa. This year him, his fiance, my girlfriend and I went out to South Africa for a 3 week trip. The best time of my life and cant wait to go back next year.


One day, my friend made a few calls as he has lots of contacts out there and organised a hunt for a warthog. As we were self catering it seems a good idea as it meant we had plenty of meat for days! We arrived at dawn, had a chat with our guide and a few test shots with the .308 rifle i was going to use. The biggest rifle i have used up until this point was a .270 to shoot Sika with here in Dorset. We loaded up and set off into the bush with the Beagle used for tracking.


We saw so much game looking for this hog and finally come across this male with a female. I took the shot and away he ran with one front leg totally smashed. We let the dog track it and found it about 80meters away. He wasnt stood totally broadside but not facing me either so i aimed a little further foward and landed a perfect engine room shot. Upon closer inspection his heart...well, there was nothing left, lungs penetrated, liver smashed and the bullet was just under the skin in his opposite back leg. I kept this as a souvenir along with his tusks.


In the end due to the his size and the fact we were traveling around a lot, we just took one back leg and some lovely steaks and donated the rest of his carcass to feed the captive leapards used for breeding.


One of the best days of my life.







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f*****g lush haha....like a gamey beef i would say. My girlfriend was given the task of cooking it so she slow roasted it in the oven smoothered and basted in a bbq sauce. It was Brilliant.

Edited by OldNog
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