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Well now the weather is gettin better things seem to be catching up and the soil is dry enough and some more planting is on going,after being a month behind its looking good, well for now!!


Got some more corn in as it was getting pot bound and wouldn't have lasted another week,a few more lettuce and the carrots,they will be better with some good soil around their feet,but the rabbit love them lettuce but the rifle is steadying them down,


Martin put the pea row up and fixed the canes ready for the second set


The dwarf broad beans are well in flower with tiny pods apearing.


The bean row was constructed in its usual spot.

Them poles take some belting in the ground,they will be planted today after work,


The fruit trees are well in blossom this week so hope for a bumper crop again,how's things progressing on your plots,I've a few pics to add but havin trouble with the iPhone software today but I'll put up soon,Sorted now

The birds are lovin the longer grass



The raised beds with variouse veg

Early spuds


Beet, parsnip garlic and onion


More parsnip




Keep ya powder dry


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nice set up.


I have:

Main crop spuds - they have been earthed up twice and might now let them go.

Early spuds - once lots earthed up once, one lot just breaking through - these are well off the pace so need to get cracking.

Got my runner bean, borlotti beans and french beans in - they are all about a foot tall and staring to wind up the canes.

My carrots and leeks all failed in the wet so I am re-starting those in the greenhouse and will transplant as soon as they get up to size.

Onions are looking good

Garlic is looking good - can't be much longer till its ready

Lettuce and rocket coming out of my ears.

Broad bans about 2 foot tall anc flowering nicely - covered in flower.

Got my maize started in teh green house ready to be transplanted when the early spuds come out.

Got squash plants, courgette plants and pumpkins coming on nicely.

Red cabbages almost ready to be planted out. Think that is about everything vegetable!


I pruned back my fruit trees hard last autumn and they are blossoming well. planted some more cherries, greengages and plum trees and they are all in flower so hopefully they might crop this year but I won't be surprised if they don't this year.


Still got plenty of aspargus coming through and strawberries should be along ahortly. The raspberry canes are flowering well so hopefully they will crop better than last year - they had been let go a bit wild and rangy last year so again I pruned them hard. i can't do pics but please keep us posted on your patch,







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everything seems slow coming through here compared to last year. the wife has earthed up her Potaoes a couple of times and planted some chard and a few other things outside :thumbs:. so far the only thing we have had out this year are some Lettuces a bit of chard and some radish's mainly from out the tunnel.


spent alot of time in the wifes tunnel that last few weeks :D....


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Chard -isn't somethinig I have ever grown - is it worthwhile?


I love the stuff PP :thumbs:. I'll ask the missus but it seem to be easy to grow with always plenty in a crop.


Had some with the sunday dinner last week mate, went down lovely with plenty of gravy :laugh:....

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everything seems slow coming through here compared to last year. the wife has earthed up her Potaoes a couple of times and planted some chard and a few other things outside :thumbs:. so far the only thing we have had out this year are some Lettuces a bit of chard and some radish's mainly from out the tunnel.


spent alot of time in the wifes tunnel that last few weeks :D....

whats the best way to eat radishes jasper?
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whats the best way to eat radishes jasper?


the missus somtimes knocks them out in a salad sliced up thin Barnaby, to be Honest I prefer to sit and munch my way through them with some salt :thumbs:....

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