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Lucky Little "Black Dog"

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Today i set out to have a look on some new permission, the farmer has been complaining of a seriouse rabbit increase and that they are ruining everyfin since the old boy from the next farm down had died an hadnt bin shooting or ferreting the land, so as u do eager as hell i set off with my dad my black terrier an 1 lurcher just to have a look about an see where everyfin was, had a good chat with the farmer who is a great guy an we set off round the edge of the feilds checking hedge rows and looking across the land, my terrier was in the rows working them hard as they we coverd in warrens and full of scent, as we got to the top of the feild before i could stop him i just seen my terriers ass disapear down an old cement land drain, as i got to the enterance i couldd see plenty of signs of old Charlie boy an he was using this pipe often, i looked down the tube with a torch and my dog had pushed [bANNED TEXT] on i couldnt see him at all an it looked like the tube just went on and on, i left him for 15 mins an they got back down and had a listen and a look agen bt still nuffing, my dad walked up the ditch in the direction tht the pipe looked it was goin to, my dad returned with no sign of were the pipe ended, i got back down had a listen and a look agen give the dog a shout still nuffin, so we both went on a walk around the feild to see if we could find were this pipe come to an end, about an hour n half an we had still come up with nuffin, we were both starting to think he had dropped into some sort of water drain/pit an may of drowned, i then phoned a friend of mine who nos the land well, i explained wat had happend and he went on to tell me that those pipes are all over the land an they run all over the place, we had looked every where for him an was starting to think we wernt gunna see the lil fella agen, just as we were going to walk back the van my dad had 1 last look along the ditch this time walkin the extra 100 yrds to the motorway embankment, i was just putting my jacket down next to the entrance an i heard my dad shouting me, i picked my jacket up an ran over to my dad who was now in the ditch with his ear to another pipe, as i jumped into the ditch i cud here my dog yapping, not a baying but a thank f*ck yous aint left me yap, i then jumped over the motorway fence and sound huge manhole cover on the very top of the motorway embankment, i cleared the cover an tried everyfin i cud to get the manhole cover off but their was no way it wasnt budging, we seen some work men about 200 yrds down the embankment an my dad went off to get a screwdriver of something to get this cover off, after about 5 mins of him gone i walked to the fence to see if he was on his way back, as i got to the fence he met me with to of the workers [bANNED TEXT] a shuvel an a manhole key keen as mustard the to fellas set to work getting this cover off but is just wasnt budging in the end 1 of the men started chipping at the mortar after about 5 minuates we all picked the lid up an peered down this huged drain, about 15 ft down we could see my little black dog poking his head out the drain after abit of a giggle an a sign of relief i climbed dwn the metal steps to retrive my lucky little black dog he had a couple of nicks an stunk of wat he intended to catch up with, i have not got a clue were the red fella went and wasnt to botherd i was happy to get my dog back we hopefully will catch up [bANNED TEXT] him agen haha. i am goin back tomoz with the ferrets an some cans for the workers. :thumbs:

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