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Boy was bitten badly, make sure your ALWAYS on guard

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sorry mate it does happen now and again,,,when i first started out with ferrets years ago a ferret latched onto my lip and my instant reaction was to pull/rip it off my lip ripped and had to have 4 stiches,still got the scar there now today haha,,it does bloody hurt,,brave lad though by the sounds of it,,hope you too have a good start to the season,,first class mate ft

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I've been thinking about this since it happened and the boy has come up with what I believe to be the answer as to why he got bit. When looking back at the situation all the other ferrets were picked up from the edge of the trampoline on the matting. The fert that bit him was picked up of the main trampoline. He reckons he could of given it a static shock ! It all seems to fit and make sense ?

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