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is that the best you can do bluebell show a few pics up to see if your wright you are a muppet now go back to the drawing bored and try and find out what i look like. now why dont you and rose reply to some of the things that was put to you or will you put up some pics. instead of answering what is put to you

atb danny 300

Edited by danny300
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your dead good at coming online when you think nobody else is online and leave ur smart posts why not have it out when everybody is online. i forgot your to chicken or you no im telling the truth about you and the fcuking click...


what is that all about... :huh:






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is that the best you can do bluebell show a few pics up to see if your wright you fcuking muppet now go back to the drawing bored and try and find out what i look like. now why dont you and rose reply to some of the things that was put to you or will you put up some pics. instead of answering what is put to you

atb danny 300


totally out of order Danny, no need to be rude

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i have seen enough this year about the shows going the wrong way. a good friend of mine told me last year what way the shows were going and i said i would go to as many as possible and see for myself what was going on and i did and the likes of you and rose and others if you want me to name i will what you and others have done to these fairs is make people with dogs that work stay away from fairs. it would be better if you and the rest of your click stick to your whippet meetings and your greyhounds and leave the shows to people who really work there dogs

Edited by danny300
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is that the best you can do bluebell show a few pics up to see if your wright you fcuking muppet now go back to the drawing bored and try and find out what i look like. now why dont you and rose reply to some of the things that was put to you or will you put up some pics. instead of answering what is put to you

atb danny 300


totally out of order Danny, no need to be rude


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Dint see the point in having dog shows this time of year it's hunting season who would go to a show instead of going for a run with there dogs. No offence I'd rather hunt my mungrals leave the show stuff for the pedigree dogs

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Mary see half them Diesel men down around Camlough :tongue2: ,and they should sponsor the local boxing club :thumbs: .

Think its wrong time of year to be holding it as most hunting guys would rather be running their dogs on game .

Then again you,ll always attract the show brigade .Good luck either way .

s Edited by barry123
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mary you tear away with your racing day and have a goodun,for all the hardcore hunters on here yous sure do some cryin about the shows for people who arent interested in them,an amatuer boxing club deserves a donation as much as the next cause as it give younguns something else to do in life.ill most likely be out with the hounds that day but best of luck to those that go and ill be up at your next one in the summer

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