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" Hannah " My JR. Last Look For Now

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Ok, well 'Moll' asked me to keep up a photographic record of the eight week pup I brought home some time last year. This I've done and, I believe, ye can trace her pictoral history simply by Searching on " Hannah ".


Anyway, I've just been out, checking my traps and so forth. Of course, 'Small Dog', as she's now fell into being called and answering to round here, accompanied me. I managed to grab a couple of shots ~ as ever, not good ones. It's hard to pin an active young terrier at the best of times. When she's dashing about the bog, sniffing and dashing, it's damn hard.


But I've just sorted through my efforts and selected the better of a crummy bunch. Thought I'd stick these up, then give it a rest. Fact is, she's about as grown as she'll ever be now and she won't change now.


I still insist on placing her shots here, under General, because I'm not trying to pretend she yet - or necessarrily ever will - merits the title of " Working Terrier " as those guys would see it. She's just an old Rat Catchers side kick and does pretty much as she pleases. Which pleases me just fine, thankyou :)


Here she is then. One 'last' look at her:




" Hannah " AKA 'Small Dog'




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Thanks DS, she has an unusual colour on her ears dont she.

My mate has a similar type bitch, their size is perfect for me, not queen Anne but not leggy either.




Try crouching down for a profile shot.


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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Blimey; So many questions! Never mind that for a minute. Here's a great little point; I've just got in. K? Got called out on a job this afters and, on a 'whim' decided Not to chain Small Dog. I've always left her on a long, light chain, fixed to a Bull Ring set in my living room floor. (See the advantages of living how You want to, lads? I Wanted a Bull Ring in my living room floor? I f*cking well Put one there! NO c*** argued! :D)


Anyway, yeppers, I put the ring there for a quite unrelated, Doggy purpose and, finding Small Dog had a penchant for destruction, took to utilising it to keep her away from my computer wires and beloved books when I had to go out. Today I bit the bullet and left them all in here. Her as free as the rest. Five hours! Just come home and held my breath ..... She hasn't touched a THING! :yahoo: I'm absolutely f*cking ecstatic! My trecherous little pup has matured! :D


Anyway, questions: Lamps. I have four Dogs, mate. Three 'Pet Mutts' and Small Dog. Love 'em all more than life itself.


Terrier Man; Be a f*cking wonder if she did mark for bun's, mate; We have just about No bun's in my vicinity! Hares? Yes. Bun's? I've probably seen one, twice. Probably the same one. Couldn't even swear it wasn't an Irish Hare. But burys? No way.


Rats we have aplenty and she murdered one of those that I know of. Found her with it outside one morning. If I ever catch a mink, I'll let her get a sniff of it and tell her That's what I want her to find for me :good:


Macnas; I've Always loved the name Hannah. If I'd ever had a little girl, I'd have wanted to call her that. Had a goat once I named Hannah. Lovely name. Turns out one of my ancestors was called Hannah! Maybe it's in my genes? Who knows. Always fancied the crap out of Hannah Gordon too! :whistle:


Moll; That shot almost stopped my heart! That Dog's the image of Small Dog! And sat there on her tolerant friend, a DDB?! What is it with us people? We seem to like the small Dogs, the big Dogs and anything much in between, eh? Maybe it's just Dogs? Small Dog has a big ol' friend too! :D





Lamps: I ye go back to ye 'picture post' there. Complete Edit. Copy the url ye've given us. Then click the little tree picture. Box'll pop up. Knock out the http bit and paste in that complete url. That'll make the actual photo appear, like Moll's and mine. I waited a full three minutes for ye Photobucket page to open, then gave up! Show us ye Dog ;)


Incidentally; If more of these 'Hard Line Terriermen' could see things as you did, there'd be a lot more very happy 'Mouchers' out there. Just because a terrier can't stop a dozen 'Big Game' a day doesn't mean it's f*cking worthless and needs to feel the spade! :good:

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ok ill admit it, im a dipshit! lol didnt really get what your on about ds maybe when im abit more awake, but try this.





haha done it! have some more pics now! you are going to be inundated with 'em!


theres a story behind this one; i didnt know what she'd found at first, but after abit of time sniffing and poking around she dived in, out shot a squirrel. foolish animal went straight into the awaiting jaws of my pup!





very out of shape in this pic, but still a nice one methinks





my small dog showing the pup how to find and follow a scent.





a nice one of my pup a couple of months ago. they say dogs take after their owners...



Edited by lampinglurcher
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