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My modern game bantams.

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I've never seen those before, they're a really handsome breed :)



How are you getting on with the quail ? I fancied keeping quail meself until folk on here said how high maintenance they are. Do you find them so ?


I keep Jersey Giants, they're totally docile and easy birds to have around. The eggs are fantastic too.

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Thanks :thumbs:


They are a bit weird looking, with long legs. but there alright. can be a bit agressive as well.


Yeah my quails are getting on fine. No eggs yet though, think its the weather getting to cold for them, although they are in a heated shed.


Coturnix quail are easy to keep, if your on about the rarer breeds some are quite flighty.

im getting some bobwhite quail at the weekend for next years breeding. they are quite flighty birds.

I will put up some pics of them once ive got them.

I dont find them high maintenance.


Its like my moderns, (this was before i bought mine) ive had people saying dont keep them because there agressive and noisey, which i thought to myself arnt all birds like that,even though some arnt. so i took a chance and bought myself some mods and there nothing like the person said, my rooster doest even crow. but hes a very horny little chap with his two wifes. lol


Thats the way you gotta be, give it a shot yourself, try the birds out yourself. dont always go with the persons word, even tho there giving you info and help. but there not always right.


Ive seen jersey giants, there huge birds. Wicked. :D I bet the eggs are. I do keep a couple of warren hens myself, they lay quite well.

also got a serama bantam hen and a pair of pekin bantam youngsters.





Edited by millytheterrier
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Thanks :thumbs:


They are a bit weird looking, with long legs. but there alright. can be a bit agressive as well.


Yeah my quails are getting on fine. No eggs yet though, think its the weather getting to cold for them, although they are in a heated shed.


Coturnix quail are easy to keep, if your on about the rarer breeds some are quite flighty.

im getting some bobwhite quail at the weekend for next years breeding. they are quite flighty birds.

I will put up some pics of them once ive got them.

I dont find them high maintenance.


Its like my moderns, (this was before i bought mine) ive had people saying dont keep them because there agressive and noisey, which i thought to myself arnt all birds like that,even though some arnt. so i took a chance and bought myself some mods and there nothing like the person said, my rooster doest even crow. but hes a very horny little chap with his two wifes. lol


Thats the way you gotta be, give it a shot yourself, try the birds out yourself. dont always go with the persons word, even tho there giving you info and help. but there not always right.


Ive seen jersey giants, there huge birds. Wicked. :D I bet the eggs are. I do keep a couple of warren hens myself, they lay quite well.

also got a serama bantam hen and a pair of pekin bantam youngsters.







Some good info there, thanks :thumbs: Sorry to be a numpty like, but can coturnix potter around, free range, like my Jerseys do ? The chooks forage all over the place, garden, front field, copse, but before it gets anything like dark, they troop back to the garden and their cabin. Would i need to keep the quail in a pen ?


And yes, Jerseys are big buggers but i'm so used to their size, that when i see " normal " chooks, i'm shocked by how petite they are :laugh:

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Your welcome. :)


I wouldnt advice to have them free range. because they dick off. or some predator might get them.

If you had an area wheres its closed off they should be okay as long as you clip one of there wings, i had a few spare quail cocks i let free range, they didnt escape. it was just the hens pecking them and chasing them.

Your probberly better off keeping them in a coop or ark.

then you know where they are.

sounds like your jerseys have an excellent free range life. ;)

haha, if you put one of my mods up against one of your jerseys you see a big differents. :laugh:

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Your welcome. :)


I wouldnt advice to have them free range. because they dick off. or some predator might get them.

If you had an area wheres its closed off they should be okay as long as you clip one of there wings, i had a few spare quail cocks i let free range, they didnt escape. it was just the hens pecking them and chasing them.

Your probberly better off keeping them in a coop or ark.

then you know where they are.

sounds like your jerseys have an excellent free range life. ;)

haha, if you put one of my mods up against one of your jerseys you see a big differents. :laugh:



To be honest, the chooks are much loved pets. Hector the cockerel is a complete arse at times, but he's such a huge personality that i can't help spoiling him. I go give them their morning feed and if it doesn't meet with Hectors approval, he leads a delegation of disappointed hens up our garden path, who then gather in the doorway to radiate feathery disapprobation at me. I instantly feel guilt ridden and go and toast him a crumpet :icon_redface::laugh:


I'm gonna get hubby to build another coop and pen this winter. I'm definitely after getting a few quail next year. Thanks very much for the info :)

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coturnix quail hens start laying at 6 weeks old, i use to put 1 cock to 4 hens cock birds and be sore on one or two hens so i liked 4 hens easy to look after but can be dirty birds when your quail start laying eggs they won t stop laying dont pay more then a fiver a bird hope you get plenty eggs :D:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah they start laying between 6-8 weeks old.

I breed mine in a ratio of 1 cock and 3 hens.

and pritty much everything else you said skinnyboy.

my hens are laying like mad at the minute. :tongue2:


cock birds are priceless really, only worth dolla if there meat birds.


like skinnyboy said hens about a fiver each.

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