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with the pups 3 weeks old today i have just been reflecting on how different the temperament is on an average litter of pups .... i have 2 chocolate bitches that are absolutely nuts ... if you wake them they growl and bark ... if you pick them up they growl and bark ...if you feed them they growl and bark ... they are constantly fighting with each other and the other pups ... i have 2 black bitches one of which is the biggest of the litter and the most laid back she is always the second one to investigate something new behind the one of the mad chocolate ones the other black bitch has a dont realy care attitude .... the first pup born was the black dog he was the smallest but has now caught up with the letter but he is realy timid .... he whines if he picked up whines if he is fed whines if he is whining he just constantly whines ... when you go in the kennel and call them the other pups will come running but he goes to a corner and tries to run ..... he is being handeled a lot to try and bring him around but he is destined for a pet home or the rainbow bridge as he is going to be no use as a worker ... it will be interesting to see if the extra handeling makes any difference ? in my experience it goes some way to helping the dog adjust but they are always nervy once they are born nervy ...........


first meal aged 19 days chicken and tripe mince mmmmm ..........



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Nice pups,Socks.Its allways an interesting thing to observe a litter and the evolution of the pups.I've allways selected the most brave and interested innew things sometimes it worked other times not :angry: .As for real timid pups I've discarted them cos even with extra handiling the problem can be limited but it still be present

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I had a mate with a timid red bodied russell years ago and he was only good on top. I think he was mate timid as a young dog though rather than being born that way. Fine for the brambles and rabbits, but he crumbled when he got stick back. He was handled all the time but he was inherently shy and scared and nothing we could do changed that one bit.

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