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my dogs been off his food since monday, hes eat a little but not much usualy he licks the bowl clean, then he threw last night, his stools have been abit loose too. somone suggested feeding him scrambled eggs with rice but he wasnt interested. he seems happy enough in himself still runs about when on a walk ect but is abit quite which i would expect if his tummy is upset, should i be worried??? anybody got any advise

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I wouldn't worry overly as its only been a couple of days, If he seems bright, is drinking and there is no blood in his vomit or faeces. I would feed him bran flakes and natural yogurt, this has always worked for me after a bad tummy, or the chicken and rice option which is very bland and should cause no upset. Also check the colour in his gums, gently push the gums with your finger and when you let go, the area you've pushed will go pale then should very quickly turn pack to a healthy pink. Dehydration would be my main worry, pick his scruff up and if it doesn't fall instantly back down, he may well not be getting enough fluid intake.


If he's no better by the morning and refuses the chicken and rice, and/or seems de hydrated, i would suggest a vet trip to be on the safe side. :thumbs:

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cheers for the advice hannah, he does seem slightly dehydrated but iv seen him drink this morning so it could be me thinking he is, ill try him with some chicken later, he was scrounging for my toast this morning and ate that when i give him some but wont eat his food which is unusual, iv seen no blood in his vomit or feaces but he was abit loose

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If your worried about him drinking, i always find adding a bit of milk to a bowl of water, tricks my lot into thinking they are drinking milk!! :clapper:


Chicken should be fine, but as i said the bran flakes and natural yogurt works wonders. :thumbs:

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quick update on the dog, took him out for a mooch with my mates boxer and hes spent the past 2 hours running about and playing with the other dog, flushing pheasnts ect so seems normal in himself, his poo was like water but green-yellow ish colour but no blood, hes drank plenty of fliuds (cheers for the tip about the milk hannah) and managed to eat abit of food when he came in, my girlfriend rang me and told me he was playing with some old tomato plants at the bottom of the garden an monday morning, i heard there not good for a dog, should i take him to the vets or will he be ok

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Tomato plants can be toxic to dogs, however If he's drinking plenty and running around after 2 days and showing no other symptoms . . . . I.e excessive salivating, drowsiness, dilated pupils, clumsy unsteady movement . . . . Then i would suspect that its just upset his stomach. If he had been badly effected he would have gone down hill much quicker than he has and i doubt would be as active as he is. I'm not a vet and if your worried then get him checked, or phone your vet for advise. Personally i would stick with the chicken and rice for a couple of days and keep him drinking plenty of fluids. :thumbs:

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A few raw eggs work wonders for drying up the squits.Also if hes still a bit grotty give him some vitamin b from any chemists and that should boost him up a bit and make him want to eat a lot of vets give this is jab form for sick dogs to help them get their appetite back

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