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can a dogs feet change ???

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ok firstly i know this sounds like a really daft qestion so please dont take the piss but iv never really took notice of a dogs feet before until my dad kept saying how my pup had really good tight feet, recently i noticed his feet dont seem as tight, it may just be me lol, the seem flatter/longer, hes never limped yet and runs about like crazy on all ground woodland, stoney ground, plough, stubble ect, nothing has changes diet or excersie wise, hes about 11 month old could it just be that hes growing/changing. im not concerned just curious

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Too much hard running in a dog that is not fully mature can stretch the ligaments (what holds the toes in place) irreversibly, which is why youngsters shouldn't do too much until they have finished growing and are hardened off with steady bike/road work before doing a lot of fast work. Of course they need to gallop and play about and maybe do a bit of light work (2 or 3 runs on the lamp on rabbits for example, or a bit of ferreting where there is not masses of galloping about.)but keep it in moderation and try and trot the dog on the road at least 3 times a week instead of mad running about non stop every day.

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