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newbie with a couple of questions

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hi there i i have had air rifles since i was a kid but have finally got my self a decent s410 thanks to chunk on here for that. i am having a little trouble lamping though i have a logun lamp and the rabbits are running for there holes with the slightest glimps of light around 50 yards and im not any where near shooting at that range yet. i am taking wind and noise into account. is there a good time to go out as i have been going early evening 8 ish till 11 ish and there isnt that many out and there are alot of warrens about. dont know if any one else has tried this but i made a red filter last night after reading on here it might help i used a piece of 42 mm waste pipe with clear perspex glued to it coulored red with a pen and it fits over the logun really well no chance of falling off. weather it was the red filter or luck i dont know but i managed to get one bunny clean head shot from 20 yards. is it best to wait for them to come out if so how long does this take or is it best to walk around and find them. any replys would be a great help thanks.

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hi a mate and welcome to the forum :thumbs:


Personally when i go out lamping i dont usually leave the house until 11 as i find on my permish that they dont come out till late and they are most active from 2am until 4am, this may be different in other places.


As for the red fillter i havent tried one yet but a few of the guys on here use them and they have good results im thinking about making one soon to try out.


Sitting and waiting for them to come out is productive but i cant do it as im very impatient lol because it can take a long time for just one to come out, could take 10 mins mind, but i would rather a walk around and stalk them :gunsmilie:


Atb Zak

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sit and wait........could take upto 1/2 an hr


try going later as zak has said


red filter will work but cuts the lamp range down, should be able to use the white light , keep it as still as possible, the rabbits will run at first or at least be alerted by it, but if it is kept still they will soon ignore it, then you can stalk slowly up to them to your prefered range.


good luck



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sometimes they are more lamp shy than others i think. might depend on whether they have been lamped a lot or not. i usually keep the light off until pretty close then hit it, scan until eyes or tail etc found and try best to nail it when its still lol its probably not orthadox but i find it works. i drove my pick up into the fields with lights off then hit light on and found loads still around to hit the other night. problem was i was on the light and my mates rubbish so didnt get anything even though he had about 5 clear shots!!! nightmere. good luck mate. i havent tried red filter yet either i may do

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Some shop bought red filters cut the range of the lamp down quiet a lot any ways I miss placed my red filter one night so I made one I used a tizer pop bottle already red and there a thiner plastic and I found that it didnt cut the lamp range down as much.when lamping a rabbit do as andyz has said but try not to put the lamp directly on the rabbit hold the beam in front of it so the glare shows it up looking out for the eyes and if there still running and not stopping long enough to get a shot off they must be very lamp shy and know the game all to well, try sniping them at early morning as well this could be more produtive for you.

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