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Whippets first catch

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I took my 14 month old whippet bitch out tonight and she got her first catch! She had a couple of runs in the first field but missed them both but in the second field she managed to catch on her first run so i was over the moon with that!


On her second and third runs she caught again but both times as soon as the rabbit stopped moving she let it go, the first one started walking away from her so she went and caught it again but then let it go AGAIN and it hopped in to a hole in the wall. The second one was a squatter and she took it really well while it was still squatting but again as soon as it stopped moving she let go of it and it made a sucessfull run to the same hole in the wall the other one had gone in!


Then two more chases in the third field were unsucessfull, but when i tried to turn the lamp on again after the second run the lamp wouldnt work!! I have narrowed it down to one of the wires that goes in to the inline fuse holder (but cant figure out how to open it to get at the wire, so help needed with that one please


I think i will try and stitch the rabbit skin on to a dummy and attach it to a piece of string and tug on it after i send her off for it. Does this sound like the right idea to get her to keep hold of the damn rabbits?

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Mine was just advertised as working whippet pups. He took me out to see the parents working and that was enough for me.


Also mine is not as bad as these two sound, she just hasn't quite got the idea that just because the rabbit isn't moving at that particular moment it won't start moving again. With the first one it was struggling to get away untill i got to her and she had it by the neck and had her front legs wrapped round it! I think if i feed her the heart kidneys etc. like john rust does she will probably start keeping hold of them so she gets some food out of it.


She is progressing well though, at first she would yap slightly now and again when chasing out of excitement but she didn't do that at all last night even when she was chasing rabbits up and down the fences when they were looking for a way through, she also started to get in to a bad habbit of hunting up after a run but i was whistling twice and flicking the lamp at my feet and she was coming straight back after a few runs. This will have scared a few rabbits in the next field but if it means that in the future she comes straight back after a failed run then i can live with that.

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