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Steve Price's NEW dvd's

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Hey guy's


Thought I'd put this up as being a reletive newcommer to hunting, I've found these DVD's to have been really useful and the the tips have been fantastic :clapper:

SS If this is more suitable to another area of the board please move it.

Just thought it would be a good section for people especially newbies to see it :yes:





This year I have had the privilege of watching a series of Hunting; Camping and Survival films on DVD by a gentleman called Steven Price. The following is a quick and honest review of Steve's DVD called


"Safe and Successful Easy Airgun Hunting Volume 1"


Steve Price is a regular contributing writer to "Air gunner" Magazine. He has produced and presented a number of DVD's teaching: Hunting with Air Rifles, Wild camping and Survival Skills. Steve has also produced and presented an extremely informative and educational Child Safety DVD that teaches 'Stranger Danger' and Self Defence Skills and Techniques that can be used by both Young Children and Teenagers. Steve has taught military and civilian personnel his many skills including Marksmanship and hand to hand combat; He regularly teaches Security and Door Personnel the skills necessary for their work. Steve also makes these courses available to the general public and are very reasonably priced (No pun intended).


As well as the above Steve has pioneered the "Shoot More" â„¢ Human Scent Mask and Rabbit Attractor Formula. Shoot More â„¢ allows the user to get well within Air gun shooting range of their quarry no matter what direction the wind is blowing from, thus eliminating the need to stalk from down-wind of the quarry. I have used Shoot More â„¢ and indeed experienced first hand on many occasions just how good this formula is at hiding my own scent from Rabbits allowing me to get within a few feet of (literally so close as I have almost stepped on) the Rabbits. I have used the techniques that Steve teaches in his DVD's in my own hunting and pest control jobs to fantastic effect. His style of teaching is easy to comprehend and follow and when used in combination with his the Shoot More â„¢ formula is guaranteed to make the hunter more successful.


Being a relative newcomer to hunting, I watched many DVD's and videos from people such as the Legendary John Darling and many others such as Fred Carter and Terry Doe.

I found Steve Price's DVD's and the John Darling video's to be the most educational for us newbies out of them all. High praise indeed, as the others are considered by many in the Airgun Hunting world to be the Airgun God's!


One of my first pest control jobs took me to a friend's permission; we initially used the 'traditional' hunting technique of stalking our quarry. It was of very limited success for me scoring a big fat ZERO kills :icon_redface: .


Our second trip out to the same permission saw us splitting up. I used a few of the techniques that Steve teaches in conjunction with a bottle of Shoot More â„¢ and my buddy went about using the more traditional method. We met up an hour later; my buddy proudly held up his rabbit, I pointed to my pile of three rabbits!


Steve's "Safe & Successful Easy Airgun Hunting Volume 1" has a really useful aid for new shooters called a "Location Range Card" that can freely be copied and printed to aid you in your shooting. Steve explains in detail how to use this on the program. Steve introduces himself and from the start he explains and emphasizes 'Safety First'. He explains what advantages the air rifle has over shotgun and other forms of pest control; he shows the damage to crops caused by vermin such as the pigeon and explains the potential damage/danger to livestock and people caused by Rabbits and Corvids. Steve points out the common 'no-shoot' areas that you will encounter and the best areas that you will be able to use to your advantage when out shooting.


On the DVD, Steve takes you into the woods and points out the ideal positions that you can use to ambush and shoot Pigeon, Corvids and the Grey Squirrel. He also shows you how to make cheap paper decoys; and how to enhance both these and traditional bought decoy's using a cheap security marker pen. He then shows with good video footage just how to use these to lure your quarry to deadly effect.


Steve also shows how to set up a basic hide using basic materials such as a bit of cheap camouflage netting and a cheap ex-army Poncho to shoot pigeon, he also then demonstrates how to remove the meat from the pigeon using nothing more than a broken stick as an improvised knife.


Also in the DVD, Steve explains and demonstrates the 'Art' and 'science' of camouflage and concealment, using a basic set of DPM combat's readily available from army surplus, second hand and charity shops. He explains and demonstrates how to enhance these to break up the human form using a bit of elastic and natural foliage to conceal both yourself and your rifle what ever the season; making you virtually invisible to your chosen quarry.


Next Steve shows how to lure in Corvids using bait such as dead squirrels and bread; he explains his own formula squirrel bait mix and where to place it for maximum results, also shown is the video footage that proves this mixture to be deadly.


Also shown in the DVD is Steve's trademark 'Snap Ambush' and he shows us how he uses this method over an active warren and how he uses a few drops of his Shoot More â„¢ formula to hold the rabbits long enough for him to be able to take precise and surgical headshots ensuring a quick and painless despatch of the quarry.


One particular segment of the DVD that I used to secure a shooting permission, explains the math involved in how a single pair of breeding rabbits can be responsible for producing 250,000 offspring each year! This single fact alone can help you out tremendously when talking to landowners.


The above is just a quick overview of Steve's Volume 1 Safe and Successful Easy Airgun Hunting DVD.


To learn these and other skills, I highly recommend that you order a copy of these excellent DVD's and a bottle or two of Steve's own formula Shoot More â„¢ These DVD's and Shoot More â„¢ have proven invaluable not only to myself but also other new and the more seasoned hunters.


For more information and clips of these excellent DVD's and Shoot More â„¢ visit www.shootmore.co.uk




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  • 3 weeks later...

"Safe and Successful Easy Airgun Hunting Volume 2"



At the start of this DVD program, Steve introduces his rifle of choice for this program, the whisper quiet Webley Venom Sidewinder PCP. He praises this rifle's superb accuracy and its ability to easily despatch vermin out to and beyond 40 yards.


After trying this rifle out myself a few weeks ago I have to agree with all Steve says about it.


Steve shows us a large warren in a field and where he is going to set up his ambush and details why he has chosen this particular spot for sniping at the bunnies. Then the action starts!

This action includes 40+ yards head shots at his quarry and a gymnastic bunny doing a complete 360 back flip Steve then demonstrates a 40 yard headshot at a woody and dispatches this with surgical precision.


Another thing I like about this DVD is the use of multiple cameras. Using multiple video's you get very clear images from different angles including the sniping position and the view from around the quarry.


Steve then shows us all how he used to hunt using Burdock Leaves as his camouflage and how you can make a similar artificial Burdock leaf for just a few pence, saving a fortune on modern camouflage clothing.

Using this artificial Burdock leaf camo, Steve then shows us just how effective this set up is by stalking and shooting his quarry.

For the camo nut's out there Steve demonstrates and gives his views on a modern camo 'net suit'


The next section shows us how Steve sets up a waterhole ambush point for Woodies and Corvids near a sitty tree using a bin liner and a bit of bread and water.

Steve gives us plenty of good advice on stalking and how to do it effectively, from planning your route, speed and avoiding the things that will give your quarry advanced warning of its impending demise. He then demonstrates these techniques and places yet more bunnies in the bag.


I had often wondered if it was possible to decoy bunnies in a similar way that would be used for Pigeon and Corvids. I was delighted to see on the DVD that Steve answers this very same question by setting up a little experiment using a child's toy bunny.

The placement of this furry toy seemed to give the bunnies a great deal of confidence and brought them out into the field to play and feed.

This made for easy pickings with the Venom Sidewinder and Steve's superb marksmanship skills.


Also on this DVD, Steve shows what to look for to determine if a warren is active or not and he shows us many of the clues to look for. He then demonstrates how to get up close (within 15 yards) to the quarry with no camo and he takes a clear headshot to dispatch a rabbit with an open sighted springer rifle.


As the DVD nears the end of the program, Steve explains the reason the gamekeeper has tasked him with controlling the Corvids and demonstrates how one shot Magpie will lead to many more of them coming to view their fallen brethren and thus allowing you to remove good numbers of them in a very short space of time.


Finally, Steve draws the program to an end but not before giving us an insight into how he cooks his quarry and produces a Farmhouse Game Stew and delicious Easy Game Curry.


If you are new to hunting, or thinking about hunting, then the Safe & Successful Airgun Hunting series of DVD's are a must have.


I have thoroughly enjoyed and learned a great deal by watching these superb DVD's. I would recommend them to anyone from prospective new hunters to the more seasoned Hunters.



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