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Deben Mini Gunlight

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Why hello fellow hunters !!


I got a deben gun lamp for christmas and i have only used it once of twice. Any way , I was shooting in yorkshire on thursday when the main lamp was runnin gout of battery so i went to get mine from the boot. I plugged in all the leads etc and low and behold, it aint working. So just ended up putting up with the dimmer main lamp.


Anyway, the day after i had a day off work and thought i would take a look at the lamp.


Through powers of elimination I have found out that it is not the bulb, or the leads but the problem is somewhere in the battery or the wires coming out of it.


I checked all the connections were good on the battery but still not working, but there is white cylindrical thing connected to the wires which i am guessing is a fuse.


The only problem is it says on the fuse "warrenty void if opened". I am wondering if you can just buy a spare fuse from a gunshop of if i would have to go through the polava of sending it back to deben??


Sory about the long winded post.


For those of you who are wonderign we ended up bringing home 35 rabbits, buy sadly no picks as i had my phone robbed for the second time in 2 weeks :@.





Edited by hughesey1552
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hello ryan


can you not take it back to where you got it from ????


it could be the bulb.........sometimes difficult to tell if they have gone....how did you test it??


other than that mate...may have to go back to debben.


cheers mate



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I plugged the leads n switch into the mains charger and the bulb was working.


I left it on charge for about 10 hours and it still hadnt fully charged to theres defo summat up with the fuse of the battery itself.


Hope i put the reciept in the reciept box at home.





Edited by hughesey1552
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i cant see it being a fuse if it sais dont tamper....that would be the bigest con going....! could it be a regulater or summut?


nip down the market and get a 5 quid volt/amp meter with a continuency tester... some times a dud wire or a bad solder can muck things up but it's something that you cant see...



a lot of lead acid and nicad chargers take 24 hours...the bigger the battery the longer it takes to 'trickle charge'. a 4 amp may take 12-18 ours if its a piddly mains trickle charger. (they do this to stop the plates buckling..way to long in my book.espetialy as most wont take more than an amp when flat anyway...the last bit takes the longest, it starts out from flat at about an amp then drops to milliamps to top the last bit up because thats all the battery can take, as the volts go up the battery electricity equols out against the charge voltage...ish even if you put a 4 amp charger on, it will charge quicker but gets hotter and yup doesnt last as long...so about an amp for quickest verses longest life... or trickle charge at 100 milliamps for a day lol for the most recharge cycles.)

Edited by ghillies
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np... test each wire on its own if it gets that far. you could just ring or email deben to ask if it is the fuse. if it is and its a sealed unit, the choise is right next to the plyers lol.. just replace the fuse holder.



(apinions...if theyre conning us with a fuse change they'd never see my cash again!...one word be would 'patronising' the other word..well lol theres a lot to chose from lol... it only a bulb lolol).

Edited by ghillies
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Im no happy with debens gear every time we go out we seem to have to repair somthing when we get back and have now ended up taking spare lamps and batteries so we dont have to cut the night short .i usually get my wife to check my breakdown's as she worked in electronic's and knows whats she's on about and reckon's a lot of debens stuff suffers from dry joints??

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