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Got a problem with my hound hes just approaching 6 months old, he's great when you go out recalls pretty good and getting better but i have a problem when we get home, i'll be sitting on the sofa minding my own business and hell sgtand in front of me barking wagging his tail sometimes he wants to play but other times it just seems like he's doing it for the hell of it {doesn't do it to the wife} any suggestions as to why and how to stop it? I will add he's very slow on the uptake.

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Guest lurchers n lamps

all i can think of is he wants out for the toillet or just wants to play witch is likey as hes still a pup saying that my dog is nearly 4 year old and still wants to play when am sitting down watching tv

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Got a problem with my hound hes just approaching 6 months old, he's great when you go out recalls pretty good and getting better but i have a problem when we get home, i'll be sitting on the sofa minding my own business and hell sgtand in front of me barking wagging his tail sometimes he wants to play but other times it just seems like he's doing it for the hell of it {doesn't do it to the wife} any suggestions as to why and how to stop it? I will add he's very slow on the uptake.

I had a pup who used to do that at 3 in the morning when he was around the same age, he'll eventually grow out of it

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Got a problem with my hound hes just approaching 6 months old, he's great when you go out recalls pretty good and getting better but i have a problem when we get home, i'll be sitting on the sofa minding my own business and hell sgtand in front of me barking wagging his tail sometimes he wants to play but other times it just seems like he's doing it for the hell of it {doesn't do it to the wife} any suggestions as to why and how to stop it? I will add he's very slow on the uptake.

I had a pup who used to do that at 3 in the morning when he was around the same age, he'll eventually grow out of it


I suggest puttin him in a pen. . ;);)

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Got a problem with my hound hes just approaching 6 months old, he's great when you go out recalls pretty good and getting better but i have a problem when we get home, i'll be sitting on the sofa minding my own business and hell sgtand in front of me barking wagging his tail sometimes he wants to play but other times it just seems like he's doing it for the hell of it {doesn't do it to the wife} any suggestions as to why and how to stop it? I will add he's very slow on the uptake.

I had a pup who used to do that at 3 in the morning when he was around the same age, he'll eventually grow out of it


I suggest puttin him in a pen. . ;);)


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He's demanding that you pay him some attention: his way of testing you to see if you are worthy of being his boss. If you respond to him every time he comes to you wanting attention then he is, in his own mind, boss of you!


Make sure you only pay him attention AFTER you have called him to YOU, and not the other way around. The pack leader doesn't respond to whipper snappers of puppies when they dance around seeking attention, except maybe to give a bark or a growl to tell the young un to p*ss off LOL


If you can't be bothered to get up and go into another room when he does this, then shut him out when you want peace and quiet, but moving away from him and ignoring him completely is the best way of showing him that he is less than the dirt beneath your feet (in the nicest possible way LOL)


Shouting or belting him won't do any good at all (not suggesting that you have done this at all). If he's an only dog then he probably gets bored more quickly than mine do as they have their canine mates to play with and you'll have to do more with him to tire him out so that when evening comes he'll be ready for a rest.


Hope this helps.

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My neighbour has a toy collie pup, fecking thing yaps all the time. She said it stops when she picks it up... :wallbash: ...I asked about the yapping in the morning, early! "He yaps while waiting for his food and stops when he gets fed"...f*****g priceless! Not to bothered during the week but I did holler out the window at 6am last Sunday and it stopped... :clapper::laugh: ...I don't allow my Meg' to bark at home, unless it's cats 'n fox's winding her up I can put up with that ;)

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Got a problem with my hound hes just approaching 6 months old, he's great when you go out recalls pretty good and getting better but i have a problem when we get home, i'll be sitting on the sofa minding my own business and hell sgtand in front of me barking wagging his tail sometimes he wants to play but other times it just seems like he's doing it for the hell of it {doesn't do it to the wife} any suggestions as to why and how to stop it? I will add he's very slow on the uptake.



My lot just seem to enjoy barking! After all it is their only way of communicating to you, apart from a waggy tail. When any of my dogs sit in front of us watching TV, its cos they want you to play with them instead of watching the telly. If he does it after you have been out having fun then perhaps he is saying 'come on Dad, lets go again'


It is a form of attention seeking, and he will probably grow out of it, he's just a babe and has lots of energy to get rid of. My lot have each other and bomb around all day then collapse into heaps exhausted.


I know it gets on your nerves a bit, but dont yell at him, it's only cos he wants to be with you.



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