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Can't get the link on this comp. Have to wait until I get home.


Was anyone aware that; There are maps in brussels that show Norfolk, Suffolk and Kent as one area known as the N.German plain and that from Essex round to Sussex it has been renamed as Pays du Nord, Scotland and Wales are nothing more than regions each with their own assembly.


The EEC was a phrase first coined by Goebells and was the ultimate goal of Adolf himself.

Successive gov't since 1945 have been aiming to achieve this through a slow but progressive march towards reliance on the European State.

How can you possibly have a democratic government when the members are unelected?



So. Definately say NO to EU.

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Why aren't more people taking this more seriously. By the time they get round to seing that it is wrong it'll be too late!

FFS. We're being screwed and we don't 'kin care.

Kiss good bye to hunting forever folks. Dogs will only be alwed to be owned by the politicians!


This is 'kin serious wake up!

And well done to you fox fan for realising the truth.





Ninging for revolution

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Guest AngelicAcid

Worrying, to me its all out of our hands, always has been always will be, everything is pre planned decades before, going the long way round to get THEIR RESULTS, By the time it comes around, most have been deceived and/or forgotton.

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Everyone should be aware of this.




Research the E U and see what you think


Say no to europe.


atb ff.


I watched all four parts and everyone should take the time to watch this series.

All I see is it's getting worse everyday in the UK and our way of life is being destroyed.

My idea is that you provide the ammo and I'll try and shoot straight :gunsmilie: but... do it quick before we lose what weapons we have! :(

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