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Posts posted by lurchergrrl

  1. 2 hours ago, Moocher71 said:

    Any vet worth calling a vet would have treated that wound, I bet he didn't take the dog vets until day or so after it happened and that's why vet said he wouldn't stitch it as I've known vets to refuse to stitch wounds that been left to long . Only he knows ,he not even said how it was done ?

    Mooch that's not necessarily the case. Mine had a nearly identical injury, I wish I could find the pictures. The vet stitched it but the area was simply too damaged and the skin was pulled too tight. Everything went necrotic and died off leaving a bigger hole than the original wound. Opinions sought from 3 other vets, including a long distance consultation with my old boss because I trust him the most and they all said the same: stitching it was a mistake and my dog paid for it with a lot of pain and a much longer recovery. Sometimes treating as an open wound is the best option depending on what happened and where it is. 

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  2. My car is languishing in the garage this weekend, post MOT fail, which means I've had to settle for walking out local from the house. 

    It's too b@stard warm and there are people everywhere. The woods I used to walk about 10 years ago are strewn with rubbish. The riverside I used to sit on almost daily is literally choked with rubbish, there's next to no wildlife, and there's so much of that Himilayan balsam the place stinks to high heaven and I had to karate chop my way through it in a fit of temper. Dog hammered a squirrel in front of a load of kids in the woods, which lead to me being called many things I've not heard for a while ? All in all a depressing, sweaty few miles.

    Anyway here's a couple of pics of the dog because apparently he doesn't give a toss about any of that palaver, and digging a hole in the sand fills his heart with joy. Oh, and some mushrooms because why not.

    Sakes ?




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  3. 11 minutes ago, Arry said:

    Had the pleasure of seeing them in 1974. Lol where dose time go. Best Gig I every went too.

    I think I've said before we pushed dope seeds into Wembley turf and could not stop laughing at the thought of grass coming up in the grass.


    Cheers Arry


    I was only 2 then ? 

    My son actually had that playing in his room the other week, been a long time since I heard it. Amazing the memories music gives us. This thread has enriched my Spotify playlist 10 fold!

    • Like 3
  4. My mum has traced us back through her dad's side, all the way to John of Gaunt. Which would mean I'm decended from King Edward the 1st, except there was a rumour that Mr Gaunt was actually the love child of a butcher from Ghent, so who knows ??‍♀️ 

    One ancestor burned for heresy, one a naval officer gifted land (and slaves) in the Americas for his service. His family were loyalists, and they made a run for Canada when the Americans decided they didn't want to play with the British anymore. One of them, a young boy, was captured by Natives. He stayed with them into adulthood, had 3 wives. Anyway fast forward and here I am in England, from Canada, full circle. The stories are so interesting, if you ask me the stuff you learn when you're looking into it all is the best part ... even if it turns out that you're really descended from a burly butcher and not royalty ?

    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  5. One of mine had a similar injury, caught her chest on barbed wire. Against my better judgement, I let the vet stitch it up. He put loads of tension sutures in because it was such a tight pull. And as I suspected would happen, all the skin died and everything pulled apart, and she ended up with a wound twice as big. Took 6 months to heal, was the size of a bloody grapefruit. I used Manuka honey on mine but it was easier to dress than that is.

    I'd be inclined to treat that as an open wound. Definitely wants antibiotics and probably pain meds if it just happened. Then keep clean and dry, good food, rest etc, and wait. When you see the edges start to granulate, be careful how you clean it so as not to disturb the new cell growth too much. Consult your vet if you're ever not 100% sure it's healing well and keep your records incase the aRSePCA come knocking. 


    • Like 1
  6. 23 hours ago, mushroom said:

    This isn't a look at/woe is me thread....

    I urge anyone who has a health niggle to get it checked out, no matter!

    I've had a few health scrapes over the years and I've been pretty good at getting to the quacks an having a butchers.

    A few months ago, I had a seizure, which for all intents and purposes seemed to be epileptic (never had epilepsy). I just tried to ignore it and the dr.... Just walked out of the drs today and now I'm being rushed forward to see if the issue is a tumor. Tbh I'm fine with what comes out of it but this is to say.... Don't do what I did and leave it (especially if the Mrs is nagging you ?). When a dr tells you these things, it really gets under your skin. Don't leave it, get checked, even if you feel like a hypochondriac ;)

    Oh.... and my cholesterol is slightly elevated ?

    Dude ... ffs ? Glad you're getting checked out mate, sure you'll be right ?

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