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Posts posted by Keepbordersworking

  1. Has he had any Recent visitors or been out with any new guys.

    These character are nothing but scum but it dosn't matter what decent people call them because an animal that can steal someone else's dogs doesn't give a feck for anyone. Makes me sick to the core to read about this sort of thing.

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    I did work terriers before locators were available and I wouldn't enter a terrier without a locator collar now as they are a god send.

    But I also wouldn't ram my beliefs down anyone else's throat especially when it's the law and embedded in there upbringing and folklore.


    We have enough of our own shit to deal with with the anti brigade ramming there beliefs down our throat. Blood starting to boil now so I'll sign off.



    KBS,your blood can boil any way it likes and im not ramming anything down anyones throath,im entitled to my opinion same as you and everyone else and if Blaise does a write up on an open forum then he is going to be critisied same as everyone else that posts.My idea of terrier work may differ from yours but diging holes all over the place and using 2-3 terriers to get the game imo is not the best advertisment as regards terrier work.



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  3. Would you enter a terrier without locator collar on Bryan,in times past we had no choice,now we do.


    I did work terriers before locators were available and I wouldn't enter a terrier without a locator collar now as they are a god send.

    But I also wouldn't ram my beliefs down anyone else's throat especially when it's the law and embedded in there upbringing and folklore.


    We have enough of our own shit to deal with with the anti brigade ramming there beliefs down our throat. Blood starting to boil now so I'll sign off.

    • Like 4
  4. Not gona ruin the thread with my opinions on a terriers aftercare as my opinion only matters to my terriers but I don't agree with ya keepbordersworkin the best thing for a worked terrier is to get it cleaned up asap before the swelling and soreness starts not sitting around in pubs talking bubbles then cleaning him out when he's sore and wants to rest anyways back to the thread.



    You've got your opinion. I've got mine.

    I'm only writing what happened in yesteryear as in Scotland you can't even get a dog in a pub now but I do know HEAT is the best thing for any dog that's went through any kind of trauma my dogs are all kennel dogs and before I had a heat lamp in the kennels the dogs that had been marked up were brought into the house to sit in front of the fire to recuperate.

    Some people like a pint.

    Some people like wacky backy.

    Each to there own.

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  5. One of the best things for terriers after a day working fox is heat so the terriers laid round the log fire have had the best start on the road to recovery after the pub it's check wounds clean them up heat lamp on and then double check in the morning anyone doubting that the little warriors aren't looked after should know the true terrierman look upon his terriers as true friends.

  6. That's where I'm at a loss as I've never seen a badger that had been killed by a dog. The only dead badgers I've ever seen have been on the side of a road other than the location I'd have no idea what killed them.

    If that program was indeed factual then it's a pity that lowlifes like that get compared to real dogmen and women. A big pity.



    Going by some of the strokes the RSPCA are willing to pull I wouldn't be surprised if that badger was brought out of a freezer and blood daubed about the field it's funny that the RSPCA punter happened to have a film crew with him and yet there's not a policeman in sight. I thought the police would have been the first to get there especially with there policies on wildlife crime.

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  7. There's a project going on next to the raith interchange near strathclyde park were they have had to bulldozer right through two badger setts as far as I know they trapped the badger and are in a sanctuary until work is finished and two artificial badger setts are to be built this project is compulsory and the farmer who's land the setts are on is being billed £7000 to replace the badger setts. These wildlife punters are comedians.

  8. The programme showed the dog in the same field as the dead badger lurcher all marked up they show the dog a few days later still all swollen and marked up. But what they didn't show was the dog being rehomed or with a potential new owner because it being a hunting dog will in my opinion be left to heal up before being put to sleep

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  9. In my opinion it's a no no for work our little warriors have to be of sound health and fit for purpose. You may get your dog working but one day you may open up an earth to it lying dead.


    Ps I think Im developing heart problems with this new pup I've got she's 8 months old and quite biddable until she gets on a scent well Saturday morning 1am she gets onto a strong fox scent I'm away after her but nothing after an hour so went home for the car and the wife she wasn't best pleased searched till 5am my son came down at 6am and went searching came back with her at 8am she had been in a house about 400m away all night the punter said he was waiting till 8am and was going to phone the SPCA another tree hugger that would have cost £70??

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  10. There isn't a boxing/karate trainer in the world that would ask his/her protege or seasoned fighter to enter a tournament without them being fit so to say the terrier will get fitter as the season goes on is simply a load of pish I think more of the dogs I keep than that just up there exercise the nearer the season draws in how hard is that.

  11. when i want then fit...ile just clip a chain to their collar and let them drag it ive got 4 diffrent chains hanging in the shed and a sash weight...just step them up as and when their doing well


    I agree with Perthshire keeper we are asking a dog to do a job of work and a very hard job it is therefore they must be fit to do so anybody that likes to keep fix eather by going running lifting weight swimming whatever will tell you how good they feel after there training session. Working Dogs are the same the fitter they get the better they'll feel the more they'll be up for the job.

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