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About denison

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Otago, New Zealand
  1. That would be a detail from Punishment of a Hunter by Paulus Potter!
  2. Hello Fergus, I have been in contact with Haverfords as they had some 200 metre net listed on their website. Unfortunately they have sold out and won't be getting any more in unless I order 16 lengths!?!? Cheers
  3. Thank you Les, I may well take you up on that! cheers
  4. maybe posums? could do a bit of damage though but. what is the guy in the pub worried about in particular?
  5. cheers! I've just dropped him a line
  6. Hello Peter, postage costs are very prohibitive, but I am prepared to consider it if I can get a decent quote otherwise I'm going to have to have a go myself! cheers
  7. Hello folks, I've just joined the group hoping to get organised with a bit of long netting. Unfortunately I live in New Zealand and getting nets or even adequate sheet netting is impossible. There are no shortage of rabbits here, and if I could get some nets up and running I would be inundated with offers to go and clear some of them. One other negative aspect of long netting for rabbits in New Zealand is that keeping ferrets is banned. If anyone out there knows of anywhere to get nets or netting in NZ and could share the information I would really appreciate it. Cheers
  8. The thing is bob, folk here haven't heard of them so I don't know if there would be a market or not?
  9. If it was only that easy to use sheep netting, I've got paddocks full! It is starting to looking like I'll have to give making one a go. Ever since I bought the Hutcheon book, people have recommended the King one! Cheers Lads
  10. I didn't mean to type "sheep netting" I'm in New Zealand, What more can I say?
  11. Hello folks, I've just joined the group hoping to get organised with a bit of long netting. Unfortunately I live in New Zealand and getting nets or even adequate sheep netting is impossible. There are no shortage of rabbits here, and if I could get some nets up and running I would be inundated with offers to go and clear some of them. One other negative aspect of long netting for rabbits in New Zealand is that keeping ferrets is banned. If anyone out there knows of anywhere to get nets or netting in NZ and could share the information I would really appreciate it. Cheers
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