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Posts posted by chisler

  1. I understand what you mean about looped over single, I'm using 2050 drab green loops on my slate one, I can now say I much prefer them to the single, I'm finding it helps me having 2 frames of the same design, this has helped to compare the different set ups, the 2050 shoots really nicely with a comfortable draw to boot.

    cheers for the input

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  2. Once again been experimenting with different tubes, I purchased some MSD green tubing 4mm id/ 8mm od, quite a heavy draw to it, shooting 10mm leads and 12mm's, loads of power their, will be confident to use when I start hunting. there also comfortable with 9.5 steels flying out. It seem to me more power from them than the Rolyan Tubing Lime green 4.8 id / 8.5 od I've previously used . I got a feeling they will last longer as well.

    Apologies to the seasoned shooters out their who have already got this sorted, as said I'm a newbie, thought I might share my experiences to other newcomers to the sport/hobby. Keep on practicing


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  3. Evening chaps, changed the bands on my R10's, both sets had started to fail at the pouch ends,so thought i would try tubes for a change, the oak/ply one Lime Dub Dub, slate one Dangkung 1845, so far really impressed with them, the dub dub has plenty of power using 9.5mm bb's very very fast, good comfortable draw weight, the dangkung bit lighter draw but still bb's flying out. I've been practicing in my workshop at 8m distance, my accuracy has improved so much this past couple of weeks, still can be frustrating at times, but enjoying the practicing. I can tell by less amo in the catch box to destroy the bean cans.

    ATB Chisler


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  4. I have had a few people said they would like it without the canted forks. In my opinion its what makes the design. If they actually shot it they would think differently. I went to the BCA shoot this Saturday gone and did went round the course in 51. 1st in my section and in the top 10. Wouldn't have done it with any other catty I can assure you that

    Congratulations , sounds like it was a good event, a 1st top marks to you chap.

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