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Stuart Murray

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Everything posted by Stuart Murray

  1. Thanks for the advice, funnily enough I had to do some business with a local-ish keeper this morning & put the question to him, answer - cocker all the way & he has access to some rather good working lines, cheers.
  2. Hope this is the correct forum for this ,apologies if not ( new member). I am currently researching into a breed or cross breed of dog that would be useful for our farm shoot, rough shooting, pigeon shooting & beating. which would also be on the small side & a family member in the house ( not asking much)! Have previously had Springers (kennelled) but I need a dog that is a bit less active as the knees dont allow for miles & miles of exercise, needs to retrieve, but more of a jack of all trades than specialist. maybe a terrier of some sort? Any thoughts greatfully received, Stu.
  3. Hello, just joined as active game shooter. rough shooting, pigeon decoying & terrier owner( I think Im the boss of her)! so will be whizzing round the site gleaning tips & info!! Cheers, Stu.
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