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About daeknocturnal

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  1. OK mate, I'd have wanted the superlite one tbh for the ambidextrous stock as I'm left handed. Cheers though.
  2. I shot a springer for years mate, just need advice on buying gear
  3. How old is the gun mate? What condition etc? Cheers
  4. Thanks for the replies, I'll have a look in the for sale section but can't reply at the moment as my account is still new
  5. Hi, just getting back in to hunting and debating what rifle to get for the budget I have. I was thinking about an air arms s410 but the cost for everything including gun, scope, mounts, pump, gunbag, pellets, clothing etc sounds like it's going to be a fortune...I was also looking at spring rifles too (like the look of the HW97KT and the new gas ram lightning xl) Anyone have any good tips on how I can save money getting all the gear again? Or even any suggestions? Cheers
  6. Hi, just wondering what you all think the best time to start taking a new dog out and teaching it to hunt properly? Also, some good methods to try would be a bonus . Just got a whippet not long ago, only 4 months (nearly 16 weeks) old. coming on spot on with basic training and that, just need some advice on the hunting side. (I know I cant start running him till 12 months anyway, just want some heads up for now) Cheers
  7. Hi, im interested in buying an Air Arms S510 carbine superlite in .22 or an S410 version. Can anyone tell me a good place to get a good deal on one? or knows anyone thats selling one (gun only) for a decent price? cheers
  8. How much is the rifle to buy mate?
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